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Marine Ecosystems News

Articles, resources, and announcements from Marine Ecosystems.
Simulated data help Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, ocean Ecosystem (PACE) users prepare a day in the life of the new satellite.
Feature Article
Dr. Chelle Gentemann and Dr. García Reyes work with the Careers in Science (CiS) intern program with emerging scientists at the high school level.
Image captured on 6 July 2021, by the MODIS instrument, aboard the Terra satellite.
Worldview Image of the Week
Who uses NASA Earth science data? Mark Trice, to monitor the health of Chesapeake Bay.
Data User Story
Ocean color data provide key information about ocean health. Dr. Barnes uses these data in his investigations into the health of optically shallow waters.
Data User Story
NASA’s Citizen Science for Earth Systems Program (CSESP) announces eight citizen science projects funded through the 2020 NASA Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) solicitation.
Feature Article