Content from all Earth science data sites are migrating into this site from now until end of 2026. Not all NASA Earth science data will appear across the site until then. Thank you for your patience as we make this transition.
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In preparation for NISAR—the NASA/ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation) Synthetic Aperture Radar mission—NASA is working to ensure that mission metadata is compatible with existing standards and best practices.
Users of NASA’s Fire Information for Resource Management System (FIRMS) can now differentiate between fires caused by burning vegetation and fires from natural heat sources or industrial heat sources.
Image captured on Mar 4, 2025, by the MODIS instrument aboard the Aqua platform.
Worldview Image of the Week
A summary of datasets, products, and resources released by NASA’s Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAACs) in February 2025.
Katie Baynes presented at the Esri Fed GIS 2025 Plenary with a lot of great information, and we didn't want you to miss it. Check out her talk in this StoryMap.
Learn more about the NASA Commercial Satellite Data Acquisition (CSDA) program vendor GHGSat and how to discover, access, and work with their commercial methane emissions data products.
Image captured on February 25, 2025, by the MODIS instrument aboard NASA's Terra satellite.
Worldview Image of the Week
Follow our step-by-step tutorial to find the Harmonized Landsat and Sentinel-2 (HLS) imagery you need.