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image of flooding over Iowa
image of flooding over Iowa
image of flooding over Iowa


Iowa Flood Studies

The objective of integrated hydrologic ground validation activities supporting the Global Precipitation Measurement Mission Ground Validation (GPM GV) is to help validate satellite-based science algorithms in challenging locations, geographies, and types of precipitation.

The Iowa Flood Studies (IFloodS) experiment was conducted in the central to northeastern part of Iowa in Midwestern United States during the months of April-June, 2013. Numerous ground radars, stream flow gauges, and rain gauges were utilized to capture precipitation characteristics such as rainfall rate and drop size distribution (DSD). Rainfall measurements were taken in conjunction with satellite overpasses to help assess the accuracy of satellite rainfall retrieval when used for flood forecasting.

Specific science objectives and related goals for the IFloodS experiment can be summarized as follows: 

  • Quantify the physical characteristics and space/time variability of rain (rates, DSD, process/”regime”) and map to satellite rainfall retrieval uncertainty. 
  • Assess satellite rainfall retrieval uncertainties at instantaneous to daily time scales and evaluate propagation/impact of uncertainty in flood-prediction. 
  • Assess hydrologic predictive skill as a function of space/time scales, basin morphology, and land use/cover. 
  • Discern the relative roles of rainfall quantities such as rate and accumulation as compared to other factors (e.g. transport of water in the drainage network) in flood genesis. 
  • Refine approaches to “integrated hydrologic GV” concept based on IFloodS experiences and apply to future GPM Integrated GV field efforts.

These objectives were achieved via the deployment of the NASA NPOL S-band and D3R Ka/Ku-band dual-polarimetric radars, University of Iowa X-band dual-polarimetric radars, a large network of paired rain gauge platforms with attendant soil moisture and temperature probes, a large network of both 2D Video and Parsivel disdrometers, and USDA-ARS gauge and soil-moisture measurements (in collaboration with the NASA SMAP mission). These measurements were used to complement existing operational WSR-88D S-band polarimetric radar measurements, USGS streamflow, and Iowa Flood Center stream monitoring measurements.

Coincident satellite datasets were also archived from microwave imaging and sounding radiometers flying on NOAA, DMSP, NASA, and EU (METOP) low-earth orbiters, and rapid-scanned IR datasets collected from geostationary (GOES) platforms.  Collectively these observational assets provided a means to create high-resolution temporal and spatial ground “reference” rainfall and stream flow datasets.  The ground reference radar and rainfall datasets, in turn, provide a means to assess uncertainties in both satellite algorithms (physics) and higher level data products.  Subsequently, the impact of uncertainties in these data can be evaluated in coupled weather, land-surface, and distributed hydrologic modeling frameworks as they relate to flood prediction.

Study DatesApril-June, 2013
RegionNortheastern Iowa
Phenomena StudiedFloods

Ground Instruments

Instrument NameInvestigatorsTypeProduct Description
Autonomous Parsivel Units (APU)Walt Petersen
Matt Wingo
Disdrometersmeasures of rain DSD, particle phase, and fall-velocity of particle sizes from 0.3 mm to 20 cm
Micro Rain Radar (MRR)Walt Petersen
Patrick Gatlin
DisdrometersDSD profiling,precip rate, melting layer
retrieves quantitative rain rates, drop size distributions, radar reflectivity, fall velocities on vertical profiles up to several kilometers above the unit. It operates at 24 GHz
Rain Gauges- NASAWalt Petersen
David Wolff
Rain Gauge Networktipping buckets directly measure rainfall
Rain Gauges - IowaWitold Krajhewski
(Univ. of Iowa-Iowa Flood Center)
Rain Gauge Network 
Stream gauges- IowaWitold Krajhewski
(Univ. of Iowa-Iowa Flood Center)
Stream GaugeStream flow product
Stream gauges- USGSWitold Krajhewski
(Univ. of Iowa-Iowa Flood Center)
Stream GaugeStream flow product
Soil moisture product - IowaWitold Krajhewski
(Univ. of Iowa-Iowa Flood Center)
Soil Moisture Sensors 
Soil moisture productMike Cosh
Soil Moisture Sensors 
Two Dimensional Video Disdrometer (2DVD)Walt Petersen
Patrick Gatlin (NASA- MSFC)
DisdrometersParticle size and concentration measurements for particles of 0.3–8 mm in diameter (bin resolution of 0.25 mm), axis ratio distribution, and fall-velocity information


Instrument NameInvestigators
WRFPI: Peters-Lidard, Christa D. (GSFC)
Di Wu (GSFC)
QPF model output from NWS RFCPedro Restrepo
TRMM flood mapsHal Pierce (GSFC)


Instrument NameInvestigatorsTypeProduct Description
D3R radar (D3R)Matt Schwaller
V. Chandrasekar (CSU-CIRA)
NASA Ka/Ku band scanning radar 
S-band Dual -polarimetric radar (NPOL)Walt Petersen
David Wolff (NASA-GSFC/WFF)
NASA S-band Dual-polarmetric radar 
X-band Radars (XPOL)Witold Krajhewski
(Univ. of Iowa-Iowa Flood Center)
X-band radarsHydrometeor profiles
NEXRAD Level-II Doppler Radar 
KDMXDes Moines, IA
KDVNDavenport, IA
KMPXMinneapolis, MN
KARXLaCrosse, WI
NEXRAD rainfall compositeWitold Krajhewski
(U. of Iowa-Iowa Flood Center)
 hourly-rainfall estimates, at approximately 16-km2 resolution from the NWS used primarily for the detection and modeling of extreme-weather events
NEXRAD Level III WSR-88D Storm Total Precipitation (dual-pol rain product) (DTA)  One hour precipitation accumulation available on a .13 nmi x 1 Degree grid. The dual-polarization QPE algorithm is used and 256 possible data levels are available.
NEXRAD Level III WSR-88 Digital Precipitation Rate (dual-pol) (DPR)  The instantaneous precipitation rate, using the dual-polarization QPE algorithm.


Instrument NameInvestigatorsProduct Description
Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Satellite
Precipitation Radar (PR)George Huffman (GSFC)TMPA product
TRMM Microwave Imager (TMI)Christain Kummerow (CSU-CIRA)
Phillip Partain (CSU)
TMI data subset GPROF products
NASA A-Train (CloudSat, Calipso, Aqua)
Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer - Earth Observing System (AMSR-E)Christain Kummerow (CSU-CIRA)
Phillip Partain (CSU)
AMSR-E data subset GPROF products
Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES)
GOES IRGeorge Huffman (GSFC)Hydro-Estimator product