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Tropical Cloud Systems and Processes

The Tropical Cloud Systems and Processes (TCSP) mission was an Earth science field research investigation sponsored by NASA's Science Mission Directorate. The field phase was conducted during the period July 1-27, 2005, out of the Juan Santamaria Airfield in San Jose, Costa Rica. 

The TCSP field experiment flew 12 NASA ER-2 science flights, including missions to Hurricanes Dennis and Emily, Tropical Storm Gert, and an eastern Pacific mesoscale complex that may possibly have further developed into Tropical Storm Eugene. The P-3 aircraft from the NOAA Hurricane Research Division (HRD) flew 18 coordinated missions with the NASA research aircraft to investigate developing tropical disturbances. Additionally, the Aerosonde uninhabited aerial vehicle flew 8 surveillance missions and the Instituto Meteorologico Nacionale (IMN) of Costa Rica launched RS-92 balloon sondes daily to gather humidity measurements and provide validation of the water vapor measurements.

TCSP was focused on the study of the dynamics and thermodynamics of precipitating cloud systems and tropical cyclones using NASA-funded aircraft and surface remote sensing instrumentation. Targeted data sets were collected using the NASA ER-2 research aircraft, in synergy with other surface and airborne remote sensing observations provided by NASA and other agencies. 

These observations will be used to answer key questions pertaining to the origins and lifecycle of weather disturbances in the tropics. Analyses of datasets will address a wide variety of atmospheric space and time scales, ranging from the convective through the synoptic. Investigations will also be conducted to improve upon numerical modeling studies of tropical cyclogenesis, including wave-to-depression transition in the western Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico and Eastern Pacific Oceans.

TCSP research addressed the following topical areas: 1) tropical cyclone structure, genesis, intensity change, moisture fields and rainfall; 2) satellite and aircraft remote sensor data assimilation and validation studies pertaining to development of tropical cyclones; and 3) the role of upper tropospheric/lower stratospheric processes governing tropical cyclone outflow, the response of wave disturbances to deep convection and the evolution of the upper level warm core.

The TCSP experiment built upon the success of the previous Convection and Moisture Experiment (CAMEX) campaigns.

Study DatesJuly 1 -27, 2005
RegionCosta Rica
Season of StudyBoreal summer
Focus AreaDynamics and thermodynamics of precipitating cloud systems and tropical cyclones

Advanced Microwave Precipitation Radiometer (AMPR)

Type: Passive Microwave Radiometer
Principal Investigator: Robbie Hood
Co-Investigators: Daniel Cecil, Frank LaFontaine

Platform NASA ER-2
Temporal Resolution: 50 milliseconds per sample
Spatial Resolution: sampling, 800 meters at 20 km altitude
85.5 GHz, 640 meters at 20 km altitude

Data Volume per Day: approximately 8 MB of raw data and 64 MB of processed data
In-Field Quick Look Products: Brightness Temperatures (TB)
Direct Products: TB data (swath) and imagery (swath and grid)
Derived Products: Precipitation Index
Potential Products: Instantaneous rain rate, inland/coastal surface water mapping

Preferred Aircraft Maneuvers: Straight and level over target areas, clear atmosphere over calm ocean for calibration
Frequency of Maneuvers: At least once per flight
Unfavorable Aircraft Maneuvers: Pitch or roll greater than 2 degrees and pitch or roll rates of greater than .5 degrees per second

Unfavorable Environmental: High output RF sources

Preferred Atmospheric Conditions: Over cloud-free ocean near a radiosonde launch site/time and AMSR-E overpass location/time

Desired Data Sources: radiosonde data sets, passive microwave satellite images, radar images, visible and infrared satellite images

Mission Planning Needs: Internet access

Cloud Radar System (CRS)

Type: Radar

Principal Investigator: Gerry Heymsfield
Co-Investigator(s): Lihua Li, Lin Tian, Larry Belcher
Platform: ER-2

Temporal Resolution: 0.5 sec
Spatial Resolution: 0.15 km at surface
Data Volume Per Day: 2.5 GB

In-Field Quick Look Products: Quick-look reflectivity and velocity plots for
selected flight lines.

Direct Products: Reflectivity, Doppler velocity, and spectral width from
nadir and forward beams in Universal Format. Software
readers for IDL will be provided.

Derived Products: Ice content.
Potential Products: Vertical velocities, path attenuation, surface

Preferred Aircraft Maneuvers:
Normally, straight and level flights are desired. Special manuevers: a) ER-2 roll (+/- 10 degrees) manuever over water; pitch manuever if possible. b) For calibration purpose, it would be useful to have a back and forth flight over clear ocean and land near buoys. These flights would help detect antenna mounting errors in cross track direction.

Frequency of Maneuvers: About 5 times during experiment.

Unfavorable Aircraft Maneuvers: ER-2: Pitch and roll changes, heading changes
during flight line.

Unfavorable Environmental Conditions: N/A

Preferred Atmospheric Conditions Clear or clouds for hurricanes.
Aircraft to Perform Drop: ER-2
Desired Data Sources: All
Mission Planning Needs: Internet

ER-2 Doppler Radar (EDOP)

Type: Radar

Principal Investigator: Gerry Heymsfield
Co-Investigator(s): Lihua Li, Lin Tian, Larry Belcher
Platform: ER-2

Temporal Resolution: 0.5 sec
Spatial Resolution: 1.1 km at surface; ~250 m at 15 km altitude
Data Volume Per Day: 3.5 GB

In-Field Quick Look Products: Quick-look reflectivity and velocity plots for
selected flight lines.

Direct Products: Reflectivity, Doppler velocity, and spectral width from
nadir and forward beams in Universal Format. Software
readers for IDL will be provided.

Derived Products: Rainrate, ice content.
Potential Products: Vertical velocities, rain rate, path attenuation, surface

Preferred Aircraft Maneuvers:
Normally, straight and level flights are desired. Special manuevers: a) ER-2 roll (+/- 10 degrees) manuever over water; pitch manuever if possible. b) For calibration purpose, it would be useful to have a back and forth flight over clear ocean and land near buoys. These flights would help detect antenna mounting errors in cross track direction.

Frequency of Maneuvers: About 5 times during experiment.

Unfavorable Aircraft Maneuvers: ER-2: Pitch and roll changes, heading changes
during flight line.

Unfavorable Environmental Conditions: N/A

Preferred Atmospheric Conditions Clear or clouds for hurricanes.
Aircraft to Perform Drop: ER-2
Desired Data Sources: All
Mission Planning Needs: Internet

High Altitude MMIC Sounding Radiometer (HAMSR)

Type: Radiometer
Principal Investigator: Bjorn Lambrigtsen
Co-Investigator(s): Alan Tanner, Evan Fishbein, Eric Fetzer
Platform: ER-2

Temporal Resolution: 1.1 sec
Spatial Resolution: 6 deg IFOV, 3 deg. sample cell (2 km, 1km, at
nadir from 20 km)

Data Volume Per Day: Raw data: up to 200 MB (24.5 MB/hour)
Processed data: ~25 MB

In-Field Quick Look Products: Preliminary calibrated brightness temperatures
Direct Products: Definitive calibrated brightness temperatures

Derived Products: a) temperature profiles b) humidity profiles
Potential Products: a) liquid water profiles b) scattering parameters c) rain rates

Preferred Aircraft Maneuvers:
a) Banking maneuver to each side and/or 180/360 degree turn (for repeat look at same air mass from opposite scan sides). Prefer simple atmosphere & surface (calm ocean) b) Level circle over radiosonde release sites; clear sky preferred. (If second opportunity: prefer cloudy case.) c) Exact repeat track over land after land-fall missions; near-clear sky preferred

Frequency of Maneuvers: a) 1-2 times during TCSP, near end middle/end
b) 1-2 times during TCSP
c) Once, covering all major over-land mission tracks

Unfavorable Aircraft Maneuvers: Rapid pitch or roll maneuvers, steep descents
Unfavorable Environmental Conditions: Turbulence

Preferred Atmospheric Conditions N/A

Desired Data Sources: a) radiosondes
b) surface temperature & sea state
c) high resolution GCM forecast/analysis
d) Aqua AIRS and AMSR-E (observations and retrievals)
e) NOAA-16/17 AMSU-A/B (observations and retrievals)
f) GOES images
Mission Planning Needs: Internet access

Lightning Instrument Package (LIP-ER-2)

Type: Electric Field Mills, Conductivity Probe
Principal Investigator: Richard Blakeslee
Co-Investigator(s): Monte Bateman, Doug Mach

Platform: ER-2
Temporal Resolution: 10 Hz
Spatial Resolution: ~20m
Data Volume Per Day: 30-50 MB

In-Field Quick Look Products: Quick looks at atmospheric conductivity, electric
field components, and aircraft charge

Direct Products: Atmospheric conductivity, electric field components, and
aircraft charge

Derived Products: Total lightning count & rates; lightning statistics; storm
current output, storm charge structure

Potential Products: Quantified lightning related with precipitation, convective
mass/ice flux, latent heat, storm current output

Preferred Aircraft Maneuvers:
Frequency of Maneuvers: 10 minutes each once during the experiment
Unfavorable Aircraft Maneuvers:
Unfavorable Environmental Conditions:

Dropsondes Requested Per Mission: N/A

Preferred Atmospheric Conditions N/A
Aircraft to Perform Drop: N/A

Desired Data Sources: Passive microwave, aircraft Radar, in-situ
Microphysics (NOAA P3s), TRMM
observations, ground-based lighting (Costa
Rican and long-range NLDN

Mission Planning Needs: Satellite Observation Systems (GOES,
TRMM, AQUA, MODIS, etc.), Long Range
Lightning (NLDN), Costa Rican Lightning
Network data, satellite orbit predictions

Miscellaneous: Real time access via the REVEAL system, Real Time
Weather Display (provide mission decision support)

Microwave Temperature Profiler (MTP-ER-2)

Type: Microwave Radiometer

Principal Investigator: M.J. Mahoney
Platform: ER-2

Temporal Resolution: 10s(ER-2)
Spatial Resolution: 2km

Data Volume Per Day: 1MB

In-Field Quick Look Products: Uncalibrated curtain plots of temperature field
along flight track

Direct Products: Temperature profiles along flight track

Derived Products: Tropopause height, lapse rate at aircraft, theta at

Potential Products: Isentrope fields

Preferred Aircraft Maneuvers: Flights over radiosonde launch sites desired. Prefer
shallow bank turns and slow ascent and descent
rates (<1000 feet/min)

Frequency of Maneuvers: Desire radiosondes launch site overpasses as often
as possible

Unfavorable Aircraft Maneuvers: steep banks and rapid ascent or descent

Unfavorable Environmental Conditions: None

Dropsondes Requested Per Mission: Will take whatever is provided

Preferred Atmospheric Conditions Clear air

Aircraft to Perform Drop: ER-2

Desired Data Sources: sondes

Mission Planning Needs: Internet access

MODIS Airborne Simulator (MAS)

Type: Imaging Spectrometer
Principal Investigator: Jeff Myers
Co-Investigator(s): Roseanne Dominguez
Platform: ER-2

Temporal Resolution: Data collected continuously at 6.25 scans per second during ER-2 flight (at altitude)
Spatial Resolution: 50 meter pixels at nadir at 15 km altitude Swath width is 36 Km.

Data Volume Per Day: 5-10 Gb per flight
In-Field Quick Look Products:
Quick-look (Level-0) JPEG images of straight and level flight line tracks. Text file of Nadir brightness temperature and radiance for selected bands

Direct Products:
Level-1B multispectral visible and infrared imagery calibrated to at-sensor radiance.

Derived Products: To be determined
Potential Products: To be determined

Preferred Aircraft Maneuvers: Normally, straight and level flights are desired.

Frequency of Maneuvers: N/A

Unfavorable Aircraft Maneuvers: N/A

Unfavorable Environmental Conditions: N/A

Dropsondes Requested Per Mission: N/A

Preferred Atmospheric Conditions Clear or clouds for hurricanes.

Aircraft to Perform Drop: N/A

Internet access: Required for field workstations & posting quick look products

Research Environment for Vehicle-Embedded Analysis on Linux (REVEAL)

Type: Generic Instrument Interface and Investigator support package

Principal Investigator: Lawrence C. Freudinger
Co-Investigator: Carl E. Sorenson

Platform: ER-2
Temporal Resolution: Multiple products simultaneously at different rates (typically 10 Hz, 1Hz, & 0.1Hz process rates)

In-Field Quick Look Products: Quick looks at vehicle sate, fuel temperature monitoring, various environmental parameters.

Direct Products: vehicle data bus interfaces, vehicle time-space-position information, sun angle calculations, and custom real-time and post-flight data products. Provides real-time data feeds to LIP displays and TCSP Team.

Potential Products: Generic instrument interface for vehicle state data and onboard compute services. Disruption tolerant gateway for managing multiple data links; on-board recorder service; dynamically configurable on-board computing; Sensor Web development and support.

Preferred Aircraft maneuvers & Atmospheric Conditions: Not Applicable

Mission Planning Needs: Reliable Internet access for field deployment team; Time between flights to download post-flight data products.

Miscellaneous: Providing real-time and post-flight mission support items for TCSP as part of research objective.

Ticosonde-Aura/TCSP 2005 Project

Radiosonde Program
Type: Atmospheric balloon soundings


Principal Investigators: Henry Selkirk (BAER Institute)
Co-Investigator(s): Grace Peng (Aerospace Corporation); Walter Fernández Rojas (UCR); Paulo Manso and Werner Stolz (IMN); Jorge Andrés Diaz (CENAT); Eladio Zárate (CRRH); Jorge Amador Astua (UCR)

Platform: Vaisala RS92-SGP; 500-g or 350-g meteorological balloons
Temporal Resolution: 4 launches per day; 2-sec resolution
Spatial Resolution: launches at Juan Santamaria International Airport
Data Volume Per Day: < 1 Mb

In-Field Quick Look Products

Direct Products: sounding files

CFH/Ozonesonde Program
Type: Atmospheric balloon soundings

Principal Investigators: Holger Vömel (CU)
Co-Investigator(s): Henry Selkirk (BAER Inst.); Juan Valdés Gonzáles and Jessica Valverde Canossa (UNA); Paulo Manso and Werner Stolz (IMN); Jorge Andrés Diaz (CENAT)

Platform: Payload contains University of Colorado Cryogenic Frostpoint Hygrometer (CFH) with ECC ozonesonde along with Vaisala RS92-SGP; 1200-g meteorological balloon
Temporal Resolution: maximum 1 per day
Data Volume Per Day: < 1 Mb

TDL Water Vapor Program
Type: Atmospheric balloon soundings


Principal Investigators: Randy May (MayComm Inst., San Dimas, CA)
Co-Investigator(s): Henry Selkirk (BAER Inst.); Holger Vömel (CU); Paulo Manso and Werner Stolz (IMN); Jorge Andrés Diaz (CENAT)

Platform: Instrument measures water vapor with a tunable diode laser (TDL); 1000-g meteorological balloon
Temporal Resolution: maximum 1 per day; total of 5 during the project
Data Volume Per Day: < 1 Mb