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Wind moving through Earth’s atmosphere from 30,000 feet high in the jet stream to breezes near the ground shape the planet, drive its weather, and constantly factor into our everyday lives. With ground-level, airborne, and space-based instruments such as radiometers and dropsondes, NASA collects large amounts of wind data to characterize, understand, and predict this literal force of nature. The data are gathered from various sources including NASA’s Global Precipitation Measurement Mission Ground Validation (GPM GV) program, and field campaigns such as the Hurricane and Severe Storm Sentinel (HS3) study.

NASA’s data includes measurements of ocean surface wind speed and direction, vertical wind profiles, surface wind observations, and wind dynamics. This data has many applications and is used for topics such as air quality research, tracking and understanding tropical cyclones, wildfire prediction and management, and examining climate processes.

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Image showing the accuracy of model predictions to human-labeled areas of dust.
Dust in the Machine
Applying machine and deep learning to satellite imagery is leading to more accurate detection and tracking of large-scale dust events.
Canoes are moored at Playa de San Mateo del Mar on the Isthmus of Tehuantepec in Oaxaca, Mexico.
Tracing the Tehuano
Researchers track a wild Mexican wind.
The NASA Terra satellite captured this true-color image of Hurricane Nadine in the Atlantic Ocean on September 16, 2012.
Profiles in Intensity
Unmanned aircraft probe the secrets of hurricanes.
Photo of Dr. Timothy Lang, Lead Research Aerospace Technologist in the Earth Science Branch at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center
Data User Profile: Dr. Timothy Lang
NASA’s GHRC DAAC helps scientists such as Dr. Timothy Lang use lightning data to better understand the processes in convective storms.
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NASA data help us understand Earth's changing systems in more detail than ever before, and visualizations bring these data to life, making Earth science concepts accessible, beautiful, and impactful.
Data visualization is a powerful tool for analysis, trend and pattern recognition, and communication. Our resources help you find world-class data visualizations to complement and enhance your research. We also have tools and tutorials to help you translate atmospheric winds data into compelling visuals.
MODIS data image of dust off the coast of southern Africa, June 2022
This is a true-color corrected reflectance image of dust blowing off the coast of Namibia and South Africa acquired by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) aboard the Terra platform on June 27, 2022. The dust blowing out into the South Atlantic Ocean is caused by berg winds, which are hot, dry winds that blow down from inland mountains and plateaus and agitate dust and fine sediments as they pass over the coastal plain.

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