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Welcome to A Year of Open Science

What can open science do for you? Plenty! Throughout 2023, NASA and other U.S. federal agencies will show you how the open sharing of data, information, and knowledge makes science—and society—better.
Green background with words Year of Open Science in white on left; icon of a launching rocket on right with 2023 below the rocket exhaust
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NASA, along with the White House and other federal agencies, has declared 2023 A Year of Open Science to celebrate the benefits and successes created through the open sharing of data, information, and knowledge. Open science is the foundation of NASA activities and accelerates scientific research and understanding.

While the open sharing of data, tools, and resources has been NASA policy for many years, a special emphasis will be made throughout 2023 to instill open science values and ethics to a wider community of data users and broaden the use of these data. NASA’s Transform to Open Science (TOPS) mission has many open activities, events, funding opportunities, and trainings planned over 2023 to spread the word about the benefits of making data openly available and show how you can accomplish some great science in the process.

A good place to start is the TOPS Guide to A Year of Open Science; you can read about the latest open science events on the TOPS GitHub page. Another great resource is the federal government Open Science website.

We can’t wait to see what you’ll do with NASA data—not just during A Year of Open Science, but for many years to come.


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