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1.5m optical satellite imagery and radar imagery from Airbus shows an updated view of the Egmont National Park in New Zealand
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Airbus optical and radar satellite imagery shows the volcanic region in Egmont National Park, New Zealand. Image Courtesy: Airbus

NASA's Earth Science Division (ESD) established the Commercial Satellite Data Acquisition (CSDA) program to explore the potential of commercial satellite data in advancing the agency's Earth science research and application objectives. The program aims to identify, assess, and acquire data from commercial providers, which may offer a cost-effective means of supplementing Earth observations collected by NASA, other U.S. Government agencies, and international collaborators.

At Airbus, the longstanding relationship with NASA now expands into the CSDA program to provide the NASA community with optical and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) products and services, including elevation data and ground control points. In this webinar, our experts will show you how easy it is to task our satellites and order high resolution archive and elevation data from OneAtlas. We will also show some use cases where Airbus data has been used to highlight changes in our oceans, biosphere, land changes, and more.

Information will also be provided on additional Airbus services available to CSDA users, including a dedicated support team.


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Name Description Published Date
NASA CSDA Vendor Introduction- Airbus This NASA CSDA program presentation provides an overview of the CSDA Program and its contract with vendor Airbus.
Introduction to CSDA Program Vendor Airbus This vendor presentation provides an introduction to the Airbus optical and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) products and services, including elevation data and ground control points available through NASA' s CSDA program.


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