Earthdata Blog

A deeper dive into NASA Earth science data.

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Has taxonomy terms (with depth)

The machine learning team at IMPACT trained a machine learning model to process data set abstracts. These models suggest relevant metadata keywords by leveraging the ability of Word2Vec models to embed the meaning of words into numeric vectors.

Two IMPACT members joined forces to build a website to coordinate the efforts of a local group of volunteers who are 3D-printing personal protective equipment to help the medical community.

IMPACT's machine learning team has developed Image Labeler, a web-based tool that allows users to create tagged images that can be used to train different machine learning models.

As International Women’s Day occurs in March we decided to look more closely at the experience of women in the sciences.

New features include a preview image and layer description when a layer search is conducted.

Dr. Emily Foshee advances our ability to understand and predict mountain gap winds that result from the interaction between the larger scale atmospheric flow and terrain.

We're providing a rolling month of geostationary imagery from GOES-East, GOES-West, and Himawari-8.

We've swapped out the backend service to Worldview's camera tool.

There are a number of use cases which are served by the Web Map Service (WMS) interface.