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The Earthdata Developer Portal is for application developers who wish to build applications that search, access, and browse Earth science data archived by NASA's Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS). It is the central location for all publicly accessible developer documentation related to EOSDIS enterprise services and applications. Documentation can be added to the developer portal by sending a request to the Earthdata Support team.

Earthdata Application Programming Interfaces

We provide documentation for the following application programming interfaces (APIs):

Common Metadata Repository (CMR) APIs

NASA's Common Metadata Repository (CMR) is a spatial and temporal metadata registry that stores metadata from a variety of science disciplines and domains. CMR is intended to enable broader use of NASA's Earth Observing System (EOS) data by providing a more uniform view of NASA’s substantial and diverse data holdings. CMR interfaces with clients and users through various CMR APIs; CMR is an open system.

Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC) APIs

NASA's Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAACs), located throughout the United States, are custodians of EOS mission data and ensure that data will be easily accessible to users. A number of DAAC APIs are available for direct access to these data holdings.

Earthdata Login APIs

Earthdata Login provides user profile management and authentication services, freeing up your application from the problems associated with managing user databases. The Earthdata Login API can be used to query the user database and retrieve user information.

Earthdata Search APIs

Earthdata Search is a modern, highly visible web application that helps you search, discover, visualize, refine, and access Earth observation data made available by NASA and other interagency and international partners. Access the Earthdata Search APIs.

Earthdata Tools APIs

NASA's Earthdata system provides a number of tools and services geared towards supporting the global Earth Science community. Earthdata tools APIs are available for use by developers of Earth science data systems and applications.

Global Imagery Browse Services (GIBS) APIs

The Global Imagery Browse Services (GIBS) are designed to deliver global, full-resolution satellite imagery to users in a highly responsive manner, enabling interactive exploration of the Earth. Access GIBS APIs.

Science Data Processing Software (SDPS) APIs

Programmatic Access is a capability enhancement to the Data Access services at EOSDIS Service Interface (ESI)-enabled DAACs. The ESI-enabled DAACs are the National Snow and Ice Data Center DAAC (NSIDC DAAC), Land Processes DAAC (LP DAAC), and Atmospheric Science Data Center (ASDC). SDPS APIs add an ability for the ESI Gateway Interface (EGI) to access CMR, and extends the accessible protocols to include Web Coverage Service (WCS) compatibility.

Open-source Project for a Network Data Access Protocol (OPeNDAP)

OPeNDAP is the developer of client/server software, of the same name, that enables scientists to share data more easily over the internet. The OPeNDAP group is also the original developer of the Data Access Protocol (DAP) that the software uses. Many other groups have adopted DAP and provide compatible clients, servers, and SDKs. OPeNDAP’s DAP is also a NASA community standard. Learn more about how OPeNDAP enables access to NASA Earth science data.

Hyrax Data Server Installation and Configuration Guide

The Hyrax Data Server Installation and Configuration Guide describes the features and operation of the Hyrax data server, a data server developed by OPeNDAP, Inc. as a reference server for the Data Access Protocol, versions 2 (DAP2) and 4 (DAP4). The Hyrax server is a modular software with a number of handlers that are loaded into a core framework based on the contents of configuration files. Each of the server’s modules provides a distinct functional capability, such as reading data from a certain kind of file, encoding data, or processing data in different ways.


NASA APIs is part of NASA's Office of the Chief Information Officer, nestled in the Technology, Data, and Innovation Division. The objective of NASA APIs is to make NASA data, including imagery, eminently accessible to application developers. The NASA APIs catalog is online and growing.