The links provided in the category tables below list and describe available data-handling and service tools. The tools are categorized by type that indicate the primary function, including:
These data tools provide a means for data discovery, search, and access. Some of the tools allow for customization of the dataset, including options like variables, transformations, and output formats.
Title | Description | DAAC |
AppEEARS | Application for Extracting and Exploring Analysis Ready Samples is an online tool that offers users a simple and efficient way to perform data access and transformation processes. By enabling users to subset data spatially, temporally, and by layer, the volume of data downloaded for analysis is greatly reduced. | LP DAAC |
Explore Collection |
Explore all ASDC publicly available data. |
ASDC Direct Data Download | Provides the ability to access and download all ASDC publicly available data collections via https | ASDC |
ASDC Search and Subset Applications | The ASDC Search and Subset Applications provide Spatial, Temporal, and Parameter subsetting options for Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observation (CALIPSO) LIDAR Level 1/Level 2, Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) Level 3/Level 2, Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR), Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES) Level 2, and Measurement of Pollution in the Troposphere (MOPITT) Level 2 datasets using a specialized high-resolution spatial/temporal metadata database. Subset results are generated in the same HDF format as the archived files; The TES and MOPITT Subsetters also provide the option of generating subsetted output in NetCDF3 format. | ASDC |
The Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observation (CALIPSO) Search and Subsetting web application enables a more sophisticated approach to selecting and ordering CALIPSO lidar data by date, time and geolocation. Data products can be subset by parameter and geolocation including ESDRI-defined regions. Output can be requested in HDF or netCDF. | ASDC | |
CERES Search and Subset Tool | This tool enables a more sophisticated approach to selecting and ordering select Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) data by date, time and geolocation. Data products can be subset by parameter and geolocation including ESRI-defined regions. Output can be requested in HDF or netCDF. | ASDC |
Data Rods for Hydrology |
The NASA GES DISC has optimally reorganized large hydrological datasets as time series for more efficient data access, and has integrated the time-series data organized in this manner (“data rods”) into hydrology community tools. The Data Rods web service currently accepts five keywords: variable, location, startDate, endDate, and type. The startDate and endDate are optional; the date/time of the first and last time steps, respectively, are the default values. All sample URLs for "plot" that do not specify startDate and endDate return time series covering the entire data range. Examples are provided for creating a Data Rods URL query that enables rapid generation of the time series for the given criteria. |
Earthdata Search | Earthdata Search provides easy-to-use access to EOSDIS services for Earth science data discovery, filtering, visualization, and access. Through these services, Earthdata Search allows users to search, preview, and download Earth observation data. Earthdata Search uses the Common Metadata Repository (CMR) for very fast (sub-second) search across the EOSDIS metadata catalog and simpler, faster access to faceted metadata. Earthdata Search enables high-performance, highly available data visualization. Earthdata Search provides data visualizations on a web-based map using the Global Browse Imagery Services (GIBS) tile service. Earthdata Search enables users to view even more precise map imagery and thumbnails for GIBS-enabled data collections. In addition to direct download, Earthdata Search surfaces services such as Open-source Project for a Network Data Access Protocol (OPeNDAP) for simpler spatial and parameter subsetting. | cross-DAAC |
ENTRI | The Environmental Treaties and Resource Indicators (ENTRI) is a comprehensive database for accessing multilateral environmental treaty data. Using ENTRI you can find treaty texts and country and treaty status data. The ENTRI Conference of Parties (COP) decision search tool allows you to search the text of decisions produced by the Parties to a selected subset of multilateral environmental agreements. | SEDAC |
IDN | A directory to Earth science data, services, and climate diagnostics, the International DIrectory Network (IDN) allows users to discover and access more than 25,000 Earth science data sets and services covering all aspects of Earth and environmental sciences. Users can search using controlled keywords, free-text, map/date, or any combination of these. Users can also search or refine a search by DAAC, location, instrument, platform, project, or temporal/spatial resolution. | cross-DAAC |
GIS Image Service | The GES DISC has created a collection of ArcGIS Image services and OGC-compliant Web Map Services which are hosted in an ArcGIS Enterprise portal. These services allow users to view and interact with datasets in GIS software without the need to download and store or process data files in GIS-compatible formats. There are also webmaps and apps available to showcase the image services. | GES DISC |
GLIDER | Globally Leveraged Integrated Data Explorer for Research (GLIDER) is a powerful tool that combines existing mining and image processing services to enable researchers to fully exploit the large volumes of NASA satellite imagery and data needed for scientific research. It is a freely available and easy-to-use tool with online video tutorials. | PO.DAAC |
GloVis | The USGS Global Visualization Viewer (GloVis) allows users to search, browse, and order ASTER AST_L1T data. Users click on a global locator map to view ASTER images for their selected geographic area. | LP DAAC |
HiTIDE | High-level Tool for Interactive Data Extraction (HiTIDE) is an evolving web interface built upon a set of web services supporting flexible and efficient search, imaging, and extraction capabilities for Level 2 swath datasets. | PO.DAAC |
LAADS DAAC | NASA's Level 1 and Atmosphere Archive and Distribution System DAAC online web-based data ordering for MODIS Level 1, Atmospheres, geo metadata and ancillary products. Capabilities include parameter, geographic, and temporal subsetting, metadata search, masking, channel subsetting, tile and granule reprojection, GeoTIFF reformatting and mosaicing. User friendly services INCLUDING order tracking, data delivery options (ftp push, pull, direct download) and shopping cart function. Direct access is available via FTP for MODIS Level 1, Atmosphere, geo metadata and ancillary products. |
LAADS DAAC Find Data | Interactively search for and download or order data from the LAADS DAAC. Search by product name, keywords or data characteristics, collection number, date ranges, and geographic area-of-interest (AOI). Download data directly or order data to be optionally post-processed and/or staged for download. We support the following post-process operations: subset by dataset name, subset by geographic AOI or shape, gridding swath data, reprojection to new map projection, mosaic, and reformat to different file formats. |
LAADS DAAC View Data | View Data allows users to preview full-resolution images, created from LAADS data products on a web-based map using the Global Imagery Browse Services (GIBS) tile service, prior to downloading or ordering datasets. |
Land Processes Data Pool | The Data Pool offers direct online access to all LP DAAC EOS products at no cost to the user, including ASTER Level 1AE (L1AE), L1BE, L1T, all joint NASA/NOAA Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (Suomi NPP) Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS), Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments (MEaSUREs) Program, and ECOsystem Spaceborne Thermal Radiometer Experiment on Space Station (ECOSTRESS). |
Level 2 Subsetter (L2S) |
The GES DISC Level 2 Subsetter (L2S) service allows users to create customized subsets of Level 2 satellite swath data that contain particular variables of interest, cover a desired spatial or temporal domain, and limit selected variable dimensions. The Level 2 subsetter provides the following capabilities:
L2S is available during dataset selection using the “Subset/Get Data” option associated with Level 2 Data Collection search result entries on the GES DISC website. The Level 2 subsetter also provides an API that allows users to execute Level 2 subsetting with programming or scripting. |
Level 3/4 Regridder/Subsetter (L34RS) |
The GES DISC Level 3 and 4 Regridder and Subsetter (L34RS) service allows users to create customized subsets of Level 3 and Level 4 gridded data collections that contain particular variables of interest, cover a desired spatial or temporal domain, and limit selected variable dimensions. The L34RS service provides the following capabilities:
L34RS is available during dataset selection using the “Subset/Get Data” option associated with Level 3 data collection search result entries on the GES DISC website. L34RS also provides an API that allows users to execute Level 3 or Level 4 data subsetting with programming or scripting. |
MINX | MISR INteractive eXplorer (MINX) is an interactive application written in IDL that functions both as a general-purpose tool to visualize MISR data and as a specialized tool to retrieve detailed plume heights and wind velocities from wildfire smoke, volcanic, and dust plumes. MINX includes high-level options to:
MISR Browse Tool | The Multi-Angle Imaging Spectroradiometer (MISR) Browse Tool allows easy access to images from the MISR instrument. The browse images are produced from the ellipsoid product for each camera, reduced to 2.2 km resolution. The MISR red, green, and blue bands are used to create a color image, which are intentionally clipped and gamma-stretched to make cloud, ocean, and land features visible. The images are in JPEG format. Features of the new browse tool are:
MISR Paths/Blocks Intersecting a Lat/Lon Box |
Interactive interface for obtaining MISR paths based on latitude and longitude. |
MISR Order and Customization Tool |
MODIS Fixed Sites Subsetting and Visualization Tool | The MODIS fixed sites subsetting tool provides customized subsets and visualizations of several MODIS Collection 6 land products for selected field and flux tower sites around the world.Spatial subsets of the land products are available for predefined 8 X 8-km areas centered on the selected sites. The search tool enables users to select a site, a land product, define the temporal range of interest, and either download the data or select from several data visualization options. The site-specific land product data can be downloaded in both comma separated value (*.csv) format via the MODIS fixed sites subsetting tool. The data are in sinusoidal projection. | ORNL DAAC |
MODIS Land Product Subsets (Global Tool) | The MODIS Global Subsetting and Visualization Tool provides on-demand, customized subsets of several MODIS Collection 6 land products. Subset products are made available to the user through an interactive web page. The user specifies the center point for the area of interest by entering geographic coordinates or selecting the location on a map. The user then selects the desired MODIS land product and specifies a rectangular area surrounding the center point by providing the number of kilometers "Above and Below" and "Left and Right" of the center point. In the final step, the user is given the option to receive spatial data for their order in MODIS sinusoidal or geographic (WGS84) projection and is asked to provide an email for order delivery. Subsets are made available to the user through an order visualization page with interactive time series plots, MODIS data quality information, land cover and phenology data, order and product citations, and download access for the data in tabular and spatial data formats |
MOPITT Search and Subset Tool | The MOPITT Search and Subsetting web application enables a more sophisticated approach to selecting and ordering MOPITT global survey standard data by date, time and geolocation. Data products can be subset by parameter and geolocation including ESRI-defined regions. Output can be requested in HDF or netCDF. | ASDC |
My Dashboard | The GES DISC provides My Dashboard, which maintains a history of all of the requests made by a single user (a user corresponding to an Earthdata Login). These requests include content searches, downloading and subsetting data, and viewing dataset landing pages. The dashboard history makes it simple to re-run data requests, mark specific datasets as favorites, and associate them with user-specified tags for organization. My Dashboard content can be shared with other users. How-To documents on the GES DISC website provide examples in the use of My Dashboard. | GES DISC |
NSIDC Data Search | Choose from hundreds of scientific data sets, focusing on the cryosphereand its interactions. | NSIDC DAAC |
OPeNDAP (ASDC) | Open-source Project for a Network Data Access Protocol (OPeNDAP, developed at the University of Rhode Island, P. Cornillon) provides software which makes local data accessible to remote locations regardless of local storage format. OPeNDAP also provides tools for transforming existing applications into OPeNDAP clients (i.e., enabling them to remotely access OPeNDAP served data). Access is provided to select MISR, TES, MOPITT, and CERES data products at ASDC. | ASDC |
Open-source Project for a Network Data Access Protocol (OPeNDAP, developed at the University of Rhode Island, P. Cornillon) provides software which makes local data accessible to remote locations regardless of local storage format. OPeNDAP also provides tools for transforming existing applications into OPeNDAP clients (i.e., enabling them to remotely access OPeNDAP served data). Access is provided at the GES DISC to OCO, AIRS, HIRDLS, MLS, GPM, LPRM, TRMM, GLDAS, NLDAS, MERRA-2 and NOBM datasets. Thematic Real-time Environmental Distributed Data Services (THREDDS) Data Server (TDS):
OPeNDAP (PO.DAAC) | OPeNDAP (developed at the University of Rhode Island, P. Cornillon) provides software which makes local data accessible to remote locations regardless of local storage format. OPeNDAP also provides tools for transforming existing applications into OPeNDAP clients (i.e., enabling them to remotely access OPeNDAP served data). Access is provided by PO.DAAC for the following data sets—Quick Scatterometer (QuikSCAT), Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature (GHRSST), TOPEX/Poseidon, Special Sensor Microwave Imager (SSM/I), and MODIS Sea Surface Temperature (SST). | PO.DAAC |
Operation IceBridge Data Portal | The Operation IceBridge Data Portal provides access to all Operation IceBridge flight reports and map-based visualization of Greenland flight tracks. Using spatial and temporal filters, users can easily visualize flight tracks, review specific details of the flights, and download the full reports. Users now also have access to all available Operation IceBridge science data through the ftp hierarchy. | NSIDC DAAC |
ORNL DAAC Website Search | The ORNL DAAC Website search is a bing search API based interface for finding webpages and other information about ORNL DAAC data holdings | ORNL DAAC |
SeaDAS | SeaWiFS Data Analysis System (SeaDAS) is a comprehensive image analysis package for the processing, display, analysis, and quality control of ocean color data. Supported sensors are MODIS, Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS), Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (OCTS), and Coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZCS). Key features include variety of data processing, data visualization, and data projection capabilities and selection of data output formats. |
SEDAC Map Viewer | The SEDAC Map Viewer is a web-based mapping tool that allows flexible interaction with spatial data from SEDAC and other sources. The map viewer may be used to explore SEDAC global data holdings, organized by themes of human-environment interactions. The integrated visualization, analysis, and display of geospatial data will be of primary interest to fundamental and applied researchers, operational users, and public policy experts in the social and Earth sciences. | SEDAC |
SDAT | The Spatial Data Access Tool (SDAT) is a web-based tool that enables users to visualize biogeochemical data sets in Google Earth, explore metadata, or customize and download data by specifying projection, resolution, format, spatial extent, time period, band(s), and interpolation method. |
TES Search and Subset Tool | This tool enables a more sophisticated approach to selecting and ordering Tropospheric Emission Spectroeter (TES) global survey standard data by date, time and geolocation. Data products can be subset by parameter and geolocation. Output can be requested in HDF-EOS or netCDF. | ASDC |
Vertex | Vertex is ASF DAAC's Data Portal designed to discovery and download data from the ASF Datapool. All synthetic aperture radar (SAR) products available through ASF DAAC can be downloaded through Vertex. The interface provides the ability to search for data geographically and by date range. Browse products can be examined and the geographic location of each frame is visible on the map provided. | ASF DAAC |
These data tools provide a means for data discovery, search, and access, with a means to present the data in various ways by modifying specific parameters of the data.
Title | Description | DAAC |
AppEEARS | Application for Extracting and Exploring Analysis Ready Samples is an online tool that offers users a simple and efficient way to perform data access and transformation processes. By enabling users to subset data spatially, temporally, and by layer, the volume of data downloaded for analysis is greatly reduced. | LP DAAC |
ASF MapReady Tool Suite |
CERES Search and Subset Tool | This tool enables a more sophisticated approach to selecting and ordering select Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) data by date, time and geolocation. Data products can be subset by parameter and geolocation including ESRI-defined regions. Output can be requested in HDF or netCDF. | ASDC |
GLIDER | Globally Leveraged Integrated Data Explorer for Research (GLIDER) is a powerful tool that combines existing mining and image processing services to enable researchers to fully exploit the large volumes of NASA satellite imagery and data needed for scientific research. It is a freely available and easy-to-use tool with online video tutorials. | PO.DAAC |
HiTIDE | High-level Tool for Interactive Data Extraction (HiTIDE) is an evolving web interface built upon a set of web services supporting flexible and efficient search, imaging, and extraction capabilities for Level 2 swath datasets. | PO DAAC |
LAADS DAAC Find Data | Interactively search for and download or order data from the LAADS DAAC. Search by product name, keywords or data characteristics, collection number, date ranges, and geographic area-of-interest (AOI). Download data directly or order data to be optionally post-processed and/or staged for download. We support the following post-process operations: subset by dataset name, subset by geographic AOI or shape, gridding swath data, reprojection to new map projection, mosaic, and reformat to different file formats. |
LDOPE | The MODIS Land Data Operational Product Evaluation (LDOPE) software tools help extract MODIS land product quality metadata to enable users to further parse and interpret them. These tools are invoked as stand-alone executables from a command-line interface. The software is supported on Linux, Windows, and Mac operating systems. |
Level 2 Subsetter (L2S) |
The GES DISC Level 2 Subsetter (L2S) service allows users to create customized subsets of Level 2 satellite swath data that contain particular variables of interest, cover a desired spatial or temporal domain, and limit selected variable dimensions. The Level 2 subsetter provides the following capabilities:
L2S is available during dataset selection using the “Subset/Get Data” option associated with Level 2 Data Collection search result entries on the GES DISC website. The Level 2 subsetter also provides an API that allows users to execute Level 2 subsetting with programming or scripting. |
Level 3/4 Regridder/Subsetter (L34RS) |
The GES DISC Level 3 and 4 Regridder and Subsetter (L34RS) service allows users to create customized subsets of Level 3 and Level 4 gridded data collections that contain particular variables of interest, cover a desired spatial or temporal domain, and limit selected variable dimensions. The L34RS service provides the following capabilities:
L34RS is available during dataset selection using the “Subset/Get Data” option associated with Level 3 data collection search result entries on the GES DISC website. L34RS also provides an API that allows users to execute Level 3 or Level 4 data subsetting with programming or scripting. |
MISR Level 3 Data Browser |
Visualization of select parameters available in the MISR Level 3 global data products are provided. The Level 3 products are derived from averaging select Level 1 and Level 2 parameters over daily, monthly, seasonal and annual time periods. Level 3 data contain a range of Level 1 and Level 2 versions. |
MISR Orbit Tool | Interactive interface for converting dates to MISR Orbit number and Orbit numbers to dates. | ASDC |
MISR Order and Customization Tool |
MODIS Fixed Sites Subsetting and Visualization Tool | The MODIS fixed sites subsetting tool provides customized subsets and visualizations of several MODIS Collection 6 land products for selected field and flux tower sites around the world.Spatial subsets of the land products are available for predefined 8 X 8-km areas centered on the selected sites. The search tool enables users to select a site, a land product, define the temporal range of interest, and either download the data or select from several data visualization options. The site-specific land product data can be downloaded in both comma separated value (*.csv) format via the MODIS fixed sites subsetting tool. The data are in sinusoidal projection. | ORNL DAAC |
MODIS Land Product Subsets (Global Tool) | The MODIS Global Subsetting and Visualization Tool provides on-demand, customized subsets of several MODIS Collection 6 land products. Subset products are made available to the user through an interactive web page. The user specifies the center point for the area of interest by entering geographic coordinates or selecting the location on a map. The user then selects the desired MODIS land product and specifies a rectangular area surrounding the center point by providing the number of kilometers "Above and Below" and "Left and Right" of the center point. In the final step, the user is given the option to receive spatial data for their order in MODIS sinusoidal or geographic (WGS84) projection and is asked to provide an email for order delivery. Subsets are made available to the user through an order visualization page with interactive time series plots, MODIS data quality information, land cover and phenology data, order and product citations, and download access for the data in tabular and spatial data formats |
My Dashboard | The GES DISC provides My Dashboard, which maintains a history of all of the requests made by a single user (a user corresponding to an Earthdata Login). These requests include content searches, downloading and subsetting data, and viewing dataset landing pages. The dashboard history makes it simple to re-run data requests, mark specific datasets as favorites, and associate them with user-specified tags for organization. My Dashboard content can be shared with other users. How-To documents on the GES DISC website provide examples in the use of My Dashboard. | GES DISC |
NSIDC Programmatic Data Access Guide | The NSIDC DAAC Programmatic Data Access Guide has detailed instructions for HTTPS access to Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer (AMSR), Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for EOS (AMSR-E), Aquarius, IceBridge, Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite (ICESat)/Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS), Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments (MEaSUREs), MODIS, NIMBUS, National Informal STEM Education Network (NISE), and Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) products. | NSIDC DAAC |
Open-source Project for a Network Data Access Protocol (OPeNDAP, developed at the University of Rhode Island, P. Cornillon) provides software which makes local data accessible to remote locations regardless of local storage format. OPeNDAP also provides tools for transforming existing applications into OPeNDAP clients (i.e., enabling them to remotely access OPeNDAP served data). Access is provided at the GES DISC to OCO, AIRS, HIRDLS, MLS, GPM, LPRM, TRMM, GLDAS, NLDAS, MERRA-2 and NOBM datasets. Thematic Real-time Environmental Distributed Data Services (THREDDS) Data Server (TDS):
SeaDAS | SeaWiFS Data Analysis System (SeaDAS) is a comprehensive image analysis package for the processing, display, analysis, and quality control of ocean color data. Supported sensors are MODIS, Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS), Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (OCTS), and Coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZCS). Key features include variety of data processing, data visualization, and data projection capabilities and selection of data output formats. |
SDAT | The Spatial Data Access Tool (SDAT) is a web-based tool that enables users to visualize biogeochemical data sets in Google Earth, explore metadata, or customize and download data by specifying projection, resolution, format, spatial extent, time period, band(s), and interpolation method. |
Tool for Working with MISR Data | Tools are available for Orbit/Date and Latitude/Longitude to Path/Block Conversion, extracting data and metadata and calculating block center times. | ASDC |
These data tools provide a means for data discovery, search, and access, but also provide the capability to filter the data based on user-selected criteria, such as temporal extent and instrument type, as well as a way to subset the data based on geographic location.
Title | Description | DAAC |
AppEEARS | Application for Extracting and Exploring Analysis Ready Samples is an online tool that offers users a simple and efficient way to perform data access and transformation processes. By enabling users to subset data spatially, temporally, and by layer, the volume of data downloaded for analysis is greatly reduced. | LP DAAC |
ASDC Search and Subset Applications | The ASDC Search and Subset Applications provide Spatial, Temporal, and Parameter subsetting options for Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observation (CALIPSO) LIDAR Level 1/Level 2, Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) Level 3/Level 2, Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR), Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES) Level 2, and Measurement of Pollution in the Troposphere (MOPITT) Level 2 datasets using a specialized high-resolution spatial/temporal metadata database. Subset results are generated in the same HDF format as the archived files; The TES and MOPITT Subsetters also provide the option of generating subsetted output in NetCDF3 format. | ASDC |
The Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observation (CALIPSO) Search and Subsetting web application enables a more sophisticated approach to selecting and ordering CALIPSO lidar data by date, time and geolocation. Data products can be subset by parameter and geolocation including ESDRI-defined regions. Output can be requested in HDF or netCDF. | ASDC | |
CERES Search and Subset Tool | This tool enables a more sophisticated approach to selecting and ordering select Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) data by date, time and geolocation. Data products can be subset by parameter and geolocation including ESRI-defined regions. Output can be requested in HDF or netCDF. | ASDC |
Daymet Single Pixel Extraction Tool | This tool allows daily surface weather data within the Daymet dataset to be downloaded in tabular format for a single geographic point entered by latitude/longitude coordinate pairs. Multiple points can be automated by the API using a
REST service. Batch download examples are provided in Bash, Java, and Python. |
Earthdata Search | Earthdata Search provides easy-to-use access to EOSDIS services for Earth science data discovery, filtering, visualization, and access. Through these services, Earthdata Search allows users to search, preview, and download Earth observation data. Earthdata Search uses the Common Metadata Repository (CMR) for very fast (sub-second) search across the EOSDIS metadata catalog and simpler, faster access to faceted metadata. Earthdata Search enables high-performance, highly available data visualization. Earthdata Search provides data visualizations on a web-based map using the Global Browse Imagery Services (GIBS) tile service. Earthdata Search enables users to view even more precise map imagery and thumbnails for GIBS-enabled data collections. In addition to direct download, Earthdata Search surfaces services such as Open-source Project for a Network Data Access Protocol (OPeNDAP) for simpler spatial and parameter subsetting. | cross-DAAC |
ENTRI | The Environmental Treaties and Resource Indicators (ENTRI) is a comprehensive database for accessing multilateral environmental treaty data. Using ENTRI you can find treaty texts and country and treaty status data. The ENTRI Conference of Parties (COP) decision search tool allows you to search the text of decisions produced by the Parties to a selected subset of multilateral environmental agreements. | SEDAC |
GIS Image Service | The GES DISC has created a collection of ArcGIS Image services and OGC-compliant Web Map Services which are hosted in an ArcGIS Enterprise portal. These services allow users to view and interact with datasets in GIS software without the need to download and store or process data files in GIS-compatible formats. There are also webmaps and apps available to showcase the image services. | GES DISC |
GLIDER | Globally Leveraged Integrated Data Explorer for Research (GLIDER) is a powerful tool that combines existing mining and image processing services to enable researchers to fully exploit the large volumes of NASA satellite imagery and data needed for scientific research. It is a freely available and easy-to-use tool with online video tutorials. | PO.DAAC |
High-level Tool for Interactive Data Extraction (Hi-TIDE) is an evolving web interface built upon a set of web services supporting flexible and efficient search, imaging, and extraction capabilities for Level 2 swath datasets. |
LAADS DAAC Find Data | Interactively search for and download or order data from the LAADS DAAC. Search by product name, keywords or data characteristics, collection number, date ranges, and geographic area-of-interest (AOI). Download data directly or order data to be optionally post-processed and/or staged for download. We support the following post-process operations: subset by dataset name, subset by geographic AOI or shape, gridding swath data, reprojection to new map projection, mosaic, and reformat to different file formats. |
LDOPE | The MODIS Land Data Operational Product Evaluation (LDOPE) software tools help extract MODIS land product quality metadata to enable users to further parse and interpret them. These tools are invoked as stand-alone executables from a command-line interface. The software is supported on Linux, Windows, and Mac operating systems. |
Level 2 Subsetter (L2S) |
The GES DISC Level 2 Subsetter (L2S) service allows users to create customized subsets of Level 2 satellite swath data that contain particular variables of interest, cover a desired spatial or temporal domain, and limit selected variable dimensions. The Level 2 subsetter provides the following capabilities:
L2S is available during dataset selection using the “Subset/Get Data” option associated with Level 2 Data Collection search result entries on the GES DISC website. The Level 2 subsetter also provides an API that allows users to execute Level 2 subsetting with programming or scripting. |
Level 3/4 Regridder/Subsetter (L34RS) |
The GES DISC Level 3 and 4 Regridder and Subsetter (L34RS) service allows users to create customized subsets of Level 3 and Level 4 gridded data collections that contain particular variables of interest, cover a desired spatial or temporal domain, and limit selected variable dimensions. The L34RS service provides the following capabilities:
L34RS is available during dataset selection using the “Subset/Get Data” option associated with Level 3 data collection search result entries on the GES DISC website. L34RS also provides an API that allows users to execute Level 3 or Level 4 data subsetting with programming or scripting. |
MISR Order and Customization Tool |
MODIS Fixed Sites Subsetting and Visualization Tool | The MODIS fixed sites subsetting tool provides customized subsets and visualizations of several MODIS Collection 6 land products for selected field and flux tower sites around the world.Spatial subsets of the land products are available for predefined 8 X 8-km areas centered on the selected sites. The search tool enables users to select a site, a land product, define the temporal range of interest, and either download the data or select from several data visualization options. The site-specific land product data can be downloaded in both comma separated value (*.csv) format via the MODIS fixed sites subsetting tool. The data are in sinusoidal projection. | ORNL DAAC |
MODIS Land Product Subsets (Global Tool) | The MODIS Global Subsetting and Visualization Tool provides on-demand, customized subsets of several MODIS Collection 6 land products. Subset products are made available to the user through an interactive web page. The user specifies the center point for the area of interest by entering geographic coordinates or selecting the location on a map. The user then selects the desired MODIS land product and specifies a rectangular area surrounding the center point by providing the number of kilometers "Above and Below" and "Left and Right" of the center point. In the final step, the user is given the option to receive spatial data for their order in MODIS sinusoidal or geographic (WGS84) projection and is asked to provide an email for order delivery. Subsets are made available to the user through an order visualization page with interactive time series plots, MODIS data quality information, land cover and phenology data, order and product citations, and download access for the data in tabular and spatial data formats. |
MOPITT Search and Subset Tool | The MOPITT Search and Subsetting web application enables a more sophisticated approach to selecting and ordering MOPITT global survey standard data by date, time and geolocation. Data products can be subset by parameter and geolocation including ESRI-defined regions. Output can be requested in HDF or netCDF. | ASDC |
My Dashboard | The GES DISC provides My Dashboard, which maintains a history of all of the requests made by a single user (a user corresponding to an Earthdata Login). These requests include content searches, downloading and subsetting data, and viewing dataset landing pages. The dashboard history makes it simple to re-run data requests, mark specific datasets as favorites, and associate them with user-specified tags for organization. My Dashboard content can be shared with other users. How-To documents on the GES DISC website provide examples in the use of My Dashboard. | GES DISC |
Open-source Project for a Network Data Access Protocol (OPeNDAP, developed at the University of Rhode Island, P. Cornillon) provides software which makes local data accessible to remote locations regardless of local storage format. OPeNDAP also provides tools for transforming existing applications into OPeNDAP clients (i.e., enabling them to remotely access OPeNDAP served data). Access is provided at the GES DISC to OCO, AIRS, HIRDLS, MLS, GPM, LPRM, TRMM, GLDAS, NLDAS, MERRA-2 and NOBM datasets. Thematic Real-time Environmental Distributed Data Services (THREDDS) Data Server (TDS):
Population Estimation Service |
The Population Estimation Service allows for estimating population totals and related statistics within a user-defined region. The service is accessible through three standard protocols used by many online map tools and clients: the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Web Processing Service (WPS) standard, a Representational State Transfer (REST) interface, and a Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) interface. Standards-based clients such as uDig are able to submit requests using the OGC WPS. Users of ArcGIS software from ESRI can submit requests through SOAP. The REST interface is intended for use with lightweight javascript clients. To access the Population Estimation Service, users need to work with an online map client or Geographic Information System (GIS) software package that supports spatial queries through one of the three supported protocols. The service interfaces are available at: |
SeaDAS | SeaWiFS Data Analysis System (SeaDAS) is a comprehensive image analysis package for the processing, display, analysis, and quality control of ocean color data. Supported sensors are MODIS, Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS), Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (OCTS), and Coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZCS). Key features include variety of data processing, data visualization, and data projection capabilities and selection of data output formats. |
SSW | The Simple Subset Wizard (SSW) provides a simple, easy-to-use interface for requesting data subset services from 10 of EOSDIS DAACs. | GES DISC |
SDAT | The Spatial Data Access Tool (SDAT) is a web-based tool that enables users to visualize biogeochemical data sets in Google Earth, explore metadata, or customize and download data by specifying projection, resolution, format, spatial extent, time period, band(s), and interpolation method. | ORNL DAAC |
TES Search and Subset Tool | This tool enables a more sophisticated approach to selecting and ordering Tropospheric Emission Spectroeter (TES) global survey standard data by date, time and geolocation. Data products can be subset by parameter and geolocation. Output can be requested in HDF-EOS or netCDF. | ASDC |
These data tools provide a means for data discovery, search, and access with capabilities for geolocation (identifying location based on user location via a data collection mechanism), reprojection of datasets (from one coordinate system to another), and mapping of datasets on a grid.
Title | Description | DAAC |
ASDC ArcGIS | Provides visualization and data access for ASDC data products. | ASDC |
ASF MapReady Tool Suite |
EASE-Grid Geolocation Tools | Equal Area Scalable Earth (EASE)-Grid tools include IDL routines and map projections for geolocation and conversion tools to use with EASE-Grid data sets. |
GLIDER | Globally Leveraged Integrated Data Explorer for Research (GLIDER) is a powerful tool that combines existing mining and image processing services to enable researchers to fully exploit the large volumes of NASA satellite imagery and data needed for scientific research. It is a freely available and easy-to-use tool with online video tutorials. | PO.DAAC |
LAADS DAAC | NASA's Level 1 and Atmosphere Archive and Distribution System DAAC online web-based data ordering for MODIS Level 1, Atmospheres, geo metadata and ancillary products. Capabilities include parameter, geographic, and temporal subsetting, metadata search, masking, channel subsetting, tile and granule reprojection, GeoTIFF reformatting and mosaicing. User friendly services including order tracking, data delivery options (ftp push, pull, direct download) and shopping cart function. Direct access is available via FTP for MODIS Level 1, Atmosphere, geo metadata and ancillary products. |
LAADS DAAC Find Data | Interactively search for and download or order data from the LAADS DAAC. Search by product name, keywords or data characteristics, collection number, date ranges, and geographic area-of-interest (AOI). Download data directly or order data to be optionally post-processed and/or staged for download. We support the following post-process operations: subset by dataset name, subset by geographic AOI or shape, gridding swath data, reprojection to new map projection, mosaic, and reformat to different file formats. |
Land Processes Data Pool | The Data Pool offers direct online access to all LP DAAC EOS products at no cost to the user, including ASTER Level 1AE (L1AE), L1BE, L1T, all joint NASA/NOAA Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (Suomi NPP) Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS), Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments (MEaSUREs) Program, and ECOsystem Spaceborne Thermal Radiometer Experiment on Space Station (ECOSTRESS). |
LDOPE | The MODIS Land Data Operational Product Evaluation (LDOPE) software tools help extract MODIS land product quality metadata to enable users to further parse and interpret them. These tools are invoked as stand-alone executables from a command-line interface. The software is supported on Linux, Windows, and Mac operating systems. |
Level 2 Subsetter (L2S) |
The GES DISC Level 2 Subsetter (L2S) service allows users to create customized subsets of Level 2 satellite swath data that contain particular variables of interest, cover a desired spatial or temporal domain, and limit selected variable dimensions. The Level 2 subsetter provides the following capabilities:
L2S is available during dataset selection using the “Subset/Get Data” option associated with Level 2 Data Collection search result entries on the GES DISC website. The Level 2 subsetter also provides an API that allows users to execute Level 2 subsetting with programming or scripting. |
Level 3/4 Regridder/Subsetter (L34RS) |
The GES DISC Level 3 and 4 Regridder and Subsetter (L34RS) service allows users to create customized subsets of Level 3 and Level 4 gridded data collections that contain particular variables of interest, cover a desired spatial or temporal domain, and limit selected variable dimensions. The L34RS service provides the following capabilities:
L34RS is available during dataset selection using the “Subset/Get Data” option associated with Level 3 data collection search result entries on the GES DISC website. L34RS also provides an API that allows users to execute Level 3 or Level 4 data subsetting with programming or scripting. |
MISR Level 3 Data Browser |
Visualization of select parameters available in the MISR Level 3 global data products are provided. The Level 3 products are derived from averaging select Level 1 and Level 2 parameters over daily, monthly, seasonal and annual time periods. Level 3 data contain a range of Level 1 and Level 2 versions. |
MISR Order and Customization Tool |
MODIS Fixed Sites Subsetting and Visualization Tool | The MODIS fixed sites subsetting tool provides customized subsets and visualizations of several MODIS Collection 6 land products for selected field and flux tower sites around the world.Spatial subsets of the land products are available for predefined 8 X 8-km areas centered on the selected sites. The search tool enables users to select a site, a land product, define the temporal range of interest, and either download the data or select from several data visualization options. The site-specific land product data can be downloaded in both comma separated value (*.csv) format via the MODIS fixed sites subsetting tool. The data are in sinusoidal projection. | ORNL DAAC |
MODIS Land Product Subsets (Global Tool) | The MODIS Global Subsetting and Visualization Tool provides on-demand, customized subsets of several MODIS Collection 6 land products. Subset products are made available to the user through an interactive web page. The user specifies the center point for the area of interest by entering geographic coordinates or selecting the location on a map. The user then selects the desired MODIS land product and specifies a rectangular area surrounding the center point by providing the number of kilometers "Above and Below" and "Left and Right" of the center point. In the final step, the user is given the option to receive spatial data for their order in MODIS sinusoidal or geographic (WGS84) projection and is asked to provide an email for order delivery. Subsets are made available to the user through an order visualization page with interactive time series plots, MODIS data quality information, land cover and phenology data, order and product citations, and download access for the data in tabular and spatial data formats |
MOPITT Search and Subset Tool | The MOPITT Search and Subsetting web application enables a more sophisticated approach to selecting and ordering MOPITT global survey standard data by date, time and geolocation. Data products can be subset by parameter and geolocation including ESRI-defined regions. Output can be requested in HDF or netCDF. | ASDC |
NTRIP Data Caster |
The CDDIS Networked Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocol (NTRIP) Data Caster is used for the receipt and transmission of real-time Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) data and product streams in support of the International GNSS Service (IGS) Real-Time Service. The available product streams consist of GNSS orbit and clock correction, which enable various applications such as precise point positioning (PPP). The intention of the CDDIS NTRIP caster is to disseminate broadcast corrections for GNSS satellite orbits and clocks in real-time in RTCMv3 format. Details about GNSS product streams are available through the caster's source table. Information on connecting to the CDDIS caster, streams that we carry, and client configuration is available. |
Population Estimation Service |
The Population Estimation Service allows for estimating population totals and related statistics within a user-defined region. The service is accessible through three standard protocols used by many online map tools and clients: the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Web Processing Service (WPS) standard, a Representational State Transfer (REST) interface, and a Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) interface. Standards-based clients such as uDig are able to submit requests using the OGC WPS. Users of ArcGIS software from ESRI can submit requests through SOAP. The REST interface is intended for use with lightweight javascript clients. To access the Population Estimation Service, users need to work with an online map client or Geographic Information System (GIS) software package that supports spatial queries through one of the three supported protocols. The service interfaces are available at: |
SDAT | The Spatial Data Access Tool (SDAT) is a web-based tool that enables users to visualize biogeochemical data sets in Google Earth, explore metadata, or customize and download data by specifying projection, resolution, format, spatial extent, time period, band(s), and interpolation method. | ORNL DAAC |
SeaDAS | SeaWiFS Data Analysis System (SeaDAS) is a comprehensive image analysis package for the processing, display, analysis, and quality control of ocean color data. Supported sensors are MODIS, Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS), Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (OCTS), and Coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZCS). Key features include variety of data processing, data visualization, and data projection capabilities and selection of data output formats. |
SEDAC Map Client | The SEDAC Map Client is a web-based mapping tool that allows flexible interaction with spatial data from CIESIN'?s SEDAC and other sources. The map client may be used to explore SEDAC global data holdings, organized by themes of human-environment interactions. The integrated visualization, analysis, and display of geospatial data will be of primary interest to fundamental and applied researchers, operational users, and public policy experts in the social and earth sciences. |
TES Search and Subset Tool | This tool enables a more sophisticated approach to selecting and ordering Tropospheric Emission Spectroeter (TES) global survey standard data by date, time and geolocation. Data products can be subset by parameter and geolocation. Output can be requested in HDF-EOS or netCDF. | ASDC |
These data tools provide a means for data discovery, search, and access, with capabilities for visualizing data in different ways. These tools also provide analysis capabilities, through data comparison, plots, time series, etc.
Title | Description | DAAC |
ADaM | The Algorithm Development and Mining System (ADaM) system is designed with the goal of mining large scientific data sets for geophysical phenomena detection and feature extraction, and has continued to be expanded and improved for over 10 years. ADaM's mining and image processing toolkits consist of over 100 interoperable components that can be linked together in a variety of ways for application to diverse problem domains. ADaM includes not only traditional data mining capabilities such as pattern recognition, but also image processing and optimization capabilities, and many supporting data preparation algorithms that are useful in the mining process. Each component is provided with a C, C++, or other application programming interface (API), an executable in support of generic scripting tools (e.g. Perl, Python, shell scripts) and SOAP web service interfaces to support distributed architectures including web and grid applications. The ADaM toolkit is also available as a suite of SOAP web services. WSDL documents are available. |
AppEEARS | Application for Extracting and Exploring Analysis Ready Samples is an online tool that offers users a simple and efficient way to perform data access and transformation processes. By enabling users to subset data spatially, temporally, and by layer, the volume of data downloaded for analysis is greatly reduced. | LP DAAC |
ASDC ArcGIS | Provides visualization and data access for ASDC data products. | ASDC |
Data Rods for Hydrology |
The NASA GES DISC has optimally reorganized large hydrological datasets as time series for more efficient data access, and has integrated the time-series data organized in this manner (“data rods”) into hydrology community tools. The Data Rods web service currently accepts five keywords: variable, location, startDate, endDate, and type. The startDate and endDate are optional; the date/time of the first and last time steps, respectively, are the default values. All sample URLs for "plot" that do not specify startDate and endDate return time series covering the entire data range. Examples are provided for creating a Data Rods URL query that enables rapid generation of the time series for the given criteria. |
Giovanni | Geospatial Interactive Online Visualization and analysis Infrastructure (Giovanni) is a Web-based application developed by GES DISC that provides a simple and intuitive way to visualize, analyze, and access vast amounts of Earth science remote sensing data without having to download the data. Giovanni features currently available include:
Giovanni supports an ever growing set of EOS and heritage data collections. Examples of these include aerosol data from MODIS (both Aqua and Terra), MISR, and Goddard Chemistry Aerosol Radiation and Transport (GOCART) models; precipitation data from TRMM, multi-satellite analyses, and ground observations; atmospheric chemistry data from OMI, MLS, TOMS, and Halogen Occultation Experiment (HALOE); ocean color data from Aqua MODIS and SeaWiFS; and atmospheric temperature and humidity profiles from AIRS. In addition, Northern Eurasia Earth Science Partnership Initiative (NEESPI) monthly products are available, as well as CloudSat cloud and MODIS Aqua temperature and humidity data along the A-Train track. |
GIS Image Service | The GES DISC has created a collection of ArcGIS Image services and OGC-compliant Web Map Services which are hosted in an ArcGIS Enterprise portal. These services allow users to view and interact with datasets in GIS software without the need to download and store or process data files in GIS-compatible formats. There are also webmaps and apps available to showcase the image services. | GES DISC |
GLIDER | Globally Leveraged Integrated Data Explorer for Research (GLIDER) is a powerful tool that combines existing mining and image processing services to enable researchers to fully exploit the large volumes of NASA satellite imagery and data needed for scientific research. It is a freely available and easy-to-use tool with online video tutorials. | PO.DAAC |
GloVis | The USGS Global Visualization Viewer (GloVis) allows users to search, browse, and order ASTER AST_L1T data. Users click on a global locator map to view ASTER images for their selected geographic area. | LP DAAC |
LAADS DAAC | NASA's Level 1 and Atmosphere Archive and Distribution System DAAC online web-based data ordering for MODIS Level 1, Atmospheres, geo metadata and ancillary products. Capabilities include parameter, geographic, and temporal subsetting, metadata search, masking, channel subsetting, tile and granule reprojection, GeoTIFF reformatting and mosaicing. User friendly services including order tracking, data delivery options (ftp push, pull, direct download) and shopping cart function. Direct access is available via FTP for MODIS Level 1, Atmosphere, geo metadata and ancillary products. |
LAADS DAAC Find Data | Interactively search for and download or order data from the LAADS DAAC. Search by product name, keywords or data characteristics, collection number, date ranges, and geographic area-of-interest (AOI). Download data directly or order data to be optionally post-processed and/or staged for download. We support the following post-process operations: subset by dataset name, subset by geographic AOI or shape, gridding swath data, reprojection to new map projection, mosaic, and reformat to different file formats. |
LAADS DAAC View Data | View Data allows users to preview full-resolution images, created from LAADS data products on a web-based map using the Global Imagery Browse Services (GIBS) tile service, prior to downloading or ordering datasets. |
LDOPE | The MODIS Land Data Operational Product Evaluation (LDOPE) software tools help extract MODIS land product quality metadata to enable users to further parse and interpret them. These tools are invoked as stand-alone executables from a command-line interface. The software is supported on Linux, Windows, and Mac operating systems. |
MISR Browse Tool | The Multi-Angle Imaging Spectroradiometer (MISR) Browse Tool allows easy access to images from the MISR instrument. The browse images are produced from the ellipsoid product for each camera, reduced to 2.2 km resolution. The MISR red, green, and blue bands are used to create a color image, which are intentionally clipped and gamma-stretched to make cloud, ocean, and land features visible. The images are in JPEG format. Features of the new browse tool are:
MISR Level 3 Data Browser |
Visualization of select parameters available in the MISR Level 3 global data products are provided. The Level 3 products are derived from averaging select Level 1 and Level 2 parameters over daily, monthly, seasonal and annual time periods. Level 3 data contain a range of Level 1 and Level 2 versions. |
MISR Orbit Tool | Interactive interface for converting dates to MISR Orbit number and Orbit numbers to dates. | ASDC |
MINX | MISR INteractive eXplorer (MINX) is an interactive application written in IDL that functions both as a general-purpose tool to visualize MISR data and as a specialized tool to retrieve detailed plume heights and wind velocities from wildfire smoke, volcanic, and dust plumes. MINX includes high-level options to:
MISR Paths/Blocks Intersecting a Lat/Lon Box |
Interactive interface for obtaining MISR paths based on latitude and longitude. |
MODIS Fixed Sites Subsetting and Visualization Tool | The MODIS fixed sites subsetting tool provides customized subsets and visualizations of several MODIS Collection 6 land products for selected field and flux tower sites around the world.Spatial subsets of the land products are available for predefined 8 X 8-km areas centered on the selected sites. The search tool enables users to select a site, a land product, define the temporal range of interest, and either download the data or select from several data visualization options. The site-specific land product data can be downloaded in both comma separated value (*.csv) format via the MODIS fixed sites subsetting tool. The data are in sinusoidal projection. | ORNL DAAC |
MODIS Land Product Subsets (Global Tool) | The MODIS Global Subsetting and Visualization Tool provides on-demand, customized subsets of several MODIS Collection 6 land products. Subset products are made available to the user through an interactive web page. The user specifies the center point for the area of interest by entering geographic coordinates or selecting the location on a map. The user then selects the desired MODIS land product and specifies a rectangular area surrounding the center point by providing the number of kilometers "Above and Below" and "Left and Right" of the center point. In the final step, the user is given the option to receive spatial data for their order in MODIS sinusoidal or geographic (WGS84) projection and is asked to provide an email for order delivery. Subsets are made available to the user through an order visualization page with interactive time series plots, MODIS data quality information, land cover and phenology data, order and product citations, and download access for the data in tabular and spatial data formats |
SEDAC Map Client | The SEDAC Map Client is a web-based mapping tool that allows flexible interaction with spatial data from CIESIN'?s SEDAC and other sources. The map client may be used to explore SEDAC global data holdings, organized by themes of human-environment interactions. The integrated visualization, analysis, and display of geospatial data will be of primary interest to fundamental and applied researchers, operational users, and public policy experts in the social and earth sciences. |
SeaDAS | SeaWiFS Data Analysis System (SeaDAS) is a comprehensive image analysis package for the processing, display, analysis, and quality control of ocean color data. Supported sensors are MODIS, Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS), Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (OCTS), and Coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZCS). Key features include variety of data processing, data visualization, and data projection capabilities and selection of data output formats. |
SDAT | The Spatial Data Access Tool (SDAT) is a web-based tool that enables users to visualize biogeochemical data sets in Google Earth, explore metadata, or customize and download data by specifying projection, resolution, format, spatial extent, time period, band(s), and interpolation method. |
SOTO | State of the Ocean (SOTO) provides near real-time data that are displayed in a Google Earth environment and annotated to give context descriptions of the ocean's features and events using KML overlays (ice extent, hurricane tracks, clouds). It provides data layers for satellite derived sea surface temperature and anomalies, sea surface height anomalies, wind vectors, and ocean color. |
TES Search and Subset Tool | This tool enables a more sophisticated approach to selecting and ordering Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES) global survey standard data by date, time and geolocation. Data products can be subset by parameter and geolocation. Output can be requested in HDF-EOS or netCDF. | ASDC |
Worldview | NASA's Worldview data visualization application provides the capability to interactively browse more than 1,000 global, full-resolution satellite imagery layers and then download the underlying data. Many of the available imagery layers are updated within three hours of observation, which supports time-critical application areas such as wildfire management, air quality measurements, and flood monitoring. Imagery in Worldview is provided through NASA's Global Imagery Browse Services (GIBS). Worldview also includes nine geostationary imagery layers from the GOES-East, GOES-West, and Himawari-8 geostationary satellites that is available at 10-minute increments for the last 30 days. These layers include Red Visible, which can be used for analyzing daytime clouds, fog, insolation, and winds; Clean Infrared, which provides cloud top temperature and information about precipitation; and Air Mass RGB, which enables visualization of specific air mass types (e.g., dry air, moist air, etc.). These full disk hemispheric views allow for almost real-time viewing of changes occurring around most of the world. | Cross DAAC |
WPT | The Waypoint Planning Tool (WPT) is a Java application used to specify aircraft flight tracks through an interactive point-and-click interface. Individual flight legs are automatically calculated for altitude, latitude, longitude, leg distance, cumulative distance, leg time, cumulative time, etc. The resultant flight plan can then be posted to the Google Earth-based RTMM for all interested scientists to view and track actual flight progress compared to the planned flight track. |