POPGRID Viewer is an online tool that enables direct comparison of different population datasets based on different data sources and methodologies.
The tool incorporates a four-panel display of six different datasets:
- Gridded Population of the World (GPWv4.10) 2015 count developed by SEDAC
- Landscan 2015 developed by Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center (ORNL DAAC)
- WorldPop Estimates 2014 from the WorldPop project
- Global Human Settlement Population Grid 2015 (GHS-POP) developed by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre and CIESIN
- Esri World Population Estimate 2016 (WPE)
- High Resolution Settlement Layer (HRSL) developed by the Facebook Connectivity Lab and CIESIN
A single-panel mode provides metadata and enables side-by-side comparison of population estimates. This tool was developed under the auspices of the POPGRID Data Collaborative.