The latest version of SEDAC's Global COVID-19 Viewer provides new visualizations of COVID-19 data in relationship to population characteristics and other potentially relevant factors. Users may now view rates of COVID-19 cases and mortality per 100k people; age pyramids and population numbers for user-defined areas; trend data on cases at the country, state (province), or county level where available; and more.
The POPGRID Viewer, a tool designed to facilitate visualization and intercomparison of the many different global-scale gridded population datasets now available, has been updated with new and more complete versions of the six population datasets included. Data for two different time periods are now included for three datasets. Users may view any combination of data in a unique four-panel viewer, and then compare population estimates for all six datasets for a specific area of interest. The POPGRID Viewer was developed by SEDAC, operated by Columbia University’s Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN), in support of the POPGRID Data Collaborative, an initiative launched by CIESIN in 2017 to bring together both the developers and users of global georeferenced population data.