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GNSS Product Holdings: Atmospheric Products

Atmospheric data products are available in daily files by site for over 400 Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) stations.

International GNSS Service (IGS) products such as troposphere and ionosphere products have been developed through Troposphere and Ionosphere working groups or pilot project activities and are stored using separate directory structures within the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) products area of the archive. These products include troposphere ZPD estimates, along with statistics about the product, derived from GNSS measurements and ionosphere vertical total electron content maps for climate research and atmospheric studies.


IGS associate analysis centers generate troposphere products from ground-based GNSS data. These products include five-minute estimates of zenith path delay (ZPD) and north and east troposphere gradient components. Data are available in daily files by site for over 400 GNSS stations in the IGS network. Measurements of surface pressure and temperature at GNSS sites allow the extraction of precipitable water vapor from the total zenith path delay. Final troposphere estimates for over 400 stations in the IGS network. The final troposphere estimate products utilize the IGS final satellite, orbit, and EOP combination products and are therefore available approximately three weeks following the observation day. Troposphere products are available in a standard IGS format.

Since the inception of the troposphere product, three analysis groups (GFZ, JPL, and currently USNO) have generated the IGS final troposphere solution each using different methodologies. Therefore, the resulting file types have changed through the years. GFZ and JPL produced the IGS final troposphere estimates as a combination product of contributing analysis centers. In 2007, JPL switched to producing the estimates with a precise point positioning (PPP) method. The current product, produced by USNO, consists of files containing daily ZPD estimates from PPP processing for selected sites in the IGS network. The original product consisted of one file per site per GPS week.

Historical tropospheric products are also available. These products are no longer updated.

Access the starting directory for the current troposphere solution files.

At the end of 2022, the IGS made the decision to change the name format going forward of many of its products archived at NASA’s Crustal Dynamics Data Information System (CDDIS).

Name Format Since GPS Week 2238

Append the following directory and file names to the starting directory:


as described in the table below.

YYYY4-digit year
DDD3-digit day of year
HH2-digit hour
MM2-digit minute
SITENAME9-digit IGS monument name
.gzgzip compressed file

Name Format Before GPS Week 2237

Append the following directory and file names to the starting directory for current files:


as described in the table below.

YYYY4-digit year
SSSSIGS monument name
DDD3-digit day of year
#file number for the day, typically 0
YY2-digit year
.gzgzip compressed file

The starting directories for the historical troposphere product files are:

Starting DirectoryProducts results between initial IGS troposphere product (generated by GFZ) and JPL solution (through 2009) versions of IGS troposphere products, produced by GFZ reports by GPS week, produced by JPL (through 2010) and supporting information on station troposphere products, produced by JPL (through 2007)


Since 1998, IGS associate analysis centers have provided products containing ionosphere vertical total electron content (TEC) maps and daily GNSS satellite differential code bias (DCB) values derived from the dual-frequency GNSS data. Daily ionospheric fluctuation maps are also available. The IGS product is derived from analysis center solutions, both rapid and final. These ionosphere products are available in rapid solutions with a latency of less than 24 hours, a final solution with a latency of approximately 11 days, and a predicted solution, available both one and two days prior. Ionosphere products are provided in IONEX (ionosphere exchange) format.

The starting directory for the current ionospheric solution files is:

At the end of 2022, the IGS made the decision to change the name format going forward of many of its products archived at the CDDIS. A table is available on the IGS website which compares the old and new name formats. The table can be found on the following page:

Name Format Since GPS Week 2238

Append the following directory and file names to the starting directory:


as described in the table below.


solution type identifier -

FIN (Final solution combination)
RAP (Rapid solution combination
YYYY4-digit year
DDD3-digit day of year
HH2-digit hour
MM2-digit minute
SMPtemporal product sampling resolution

content type -

GIM (global ionosphere (TEC) maps)
ROT (rate of TEC index maps)
.gzgzip compressed file

Name Format Before GPS Week 2237

Append the following directory and file names to the starting directory for current files:

YYYY/DDD/AAAgDDD#.YYi.Z                Vertical total electron content (TEC) maps

YYYY/DDD/rotiDDD0.YYf.Z               Daily ROTI (rate of TEC index) product

as described in the table below.

YYYY4-digit year
DDD3-digit day of year
AAAAnalysis center name
#file number for the day, typically 0
YY2-digit year
.ZUnix compressed file

The IGS analysis centers re-processed the historical IGS data set (from 1994 to 2007 for repro1, from 1994 through 2012/2013 for repro2, from 1994 through 2022 for repro3) to produce a fully consistent set of products utilizing the most recent models and updated processing strategies.