Susana Adamo, a project scientist at NASA's Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC) and a research scientist at Columbia University's Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN), is co-author of an award-winning poster titled "Aging Populations and Subsequent Tree Cover Expansion, an Investigation in 139 Low- and Middle-Income Countries." The poster was presented by Courtney Allen (University of Washington) at the 2024 Meeting of the Population Association of America, held April 17–20 in Columbus, Ohio.
The poster was one of five PAA Poster Winners of the session on Neighborhoods, Environment, Spatial Demography, and Data and Methods, which included 98 posters. Co-author Sara Curran (University of Washington) is a former member of SEDAC's User Working Group. Other co-authors of the poster include Jeff Vincent (Duke University), Kaichao Chang (Duke University and University of Maryland), and Yi Wang (Duke University and ETH Zurich).