The Airborne Data Management Group (ADMG) had the exciting opportunity to engage with Earth science undergraduate students in a university classroom setting. On March 2, 2022, Shelby Bagwell and Dr. Danielle Groenen presented the Catalog of Archived Suborbital Earth Science Investigations (CASEI) knowledge portal to an Introduction to GIS class at the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH). The ADMG team, including graduate student Lucia Alonso Guzman and undergraduate student Jillian Ethridge, both of UAH, designed the interactive lesson with course instructor Megan Sirbaugh. The lesson showcased the CASEI website, NASA airborne observations, and NASA student opportunities such as the Student Airborne Research Program (SARP).
The lesson’s objective was for students to gain experience using CASEI to explore NASA field campaigns and learn how to download and visualize the campaign data in ArcGIS Pro software. The first part of the class was an introduction to NASA airborne observations, a general overview of the CASEI website and instruction on searching for different types of campaigns and information in CASEI by filtering campaigns by geographical region or NASA Earth science focus areas. The team explained key definitions such as field campaign, deployment, platform, and instrument. These terms, often confusing for non-experts, were illustrated using graphics such as the schematic below. The team also used a social media post to demonstrate that metadata is “data about data.”