Content from all Earth science data sites are migrating into this site from now until end of 2026. Not all NASA Earth science data will appear across the site until then. Thank you for your patience as we make this transition.Read about the Web Unification Project
Our online seminars and workshops feature experts in various disciplines who share their knowledge in a particular subject area, from data in the cloud to specific data tools.
Join us as we demonstrate core use cases of Earthdata Search while highlighting key features and functionality. Whether you are a long-time Earthdata Search user or just now hearing about Earthdata Search for the first time, this webinar will be useful for you in your efforts to search for, discover, and use Earth science data.
Join us for an introduction to the Earthdata Forum, a hub for submitting your questions about NASA Earth science data, services, and tools and for finding answers on how to discover and use the data distributed by the DAACs represented on the Earthdata Forum.
Join us for an introduction to NASA SEDAC's Global COVID-19 Viewer - a map-based tool for understanding the spread of the Coronavirus and underlying risk factors. During the webinar, participants will learn about its development and then a live demonstration of the viewer focusing on current hotspots, interesting trends, and an exploration of the risk factors will be provided.
Join us as we explore how GES DISC tools and data products can augment ongoing vital research on the dynamics of dust transport in Earth’s atmosphere. We will investigate the June 2020 Sahara Dust Event over Barbados as our use case.
In this webinar, we will demonstrate approaches for using SAR datasets in GIS environments to detect landscape change and map flooding events with a focus on Sentinel-1 datasets.
This webinar will provide a basic introduction to SAR data collection, the datasets that are available from NASA's Alaska Satellite Facility Distributed Active Archive Center and the processing required to extract useful information from the data.
In part 1 of this two-part webinar, learn about the synthetic aperture radar (SAR) datasets available from NASA and the processing required to extract useful information from the data.