This Esri article doesn't explain how to become a root for the AWS Marketplace instance that runs Ubuntu. This guide is useful for post-installation steps.
Step by step guide
Use "ubuntu" username instead of "arcgis"
- Open SSH port 22 in security group of the instance. By default, only HTTP/HTTPS ports are open.
ssh -i ~/.ssh/Joe-SDT.pem ubuntu@(IP address)
sudo -i
apt-get update
apt install emacs
apt upgrade
- It's OK to apply security patches and upgrade packages
Note: "arcgis" user account has no su privilege
Although the Esri guide says that the service file needs to be copied over, it is already installed.
root@ip-(IP address):~# diff /arcgis/server/framework//etc/scripts/arcgisserver.service /etc/systemd/system/arcgisserver.service
< #
< # Configure ArcGIS Server to be started at boot on Linux distributions
< # adopting systemd init system (For example RHEL 7.x and SuSE12) by
< # following these instructions:
< #
< # 1.) Switch to the root user.
< #
< # 2.) Copy this file to /etc/systemd/system
< #
< # 3.) Enable the service to start at boot:
< #
< # # systemctl enable arcgisserver.service
< #
< # 4.) Verify systemd service is setup correctly:
< #
< # # systemctl stop arcgisserver.service
< # # systemctl start arcgisserver.service
< # # systemctl status arcgisserver.service
< #
< # 5.) Reboot the system and verify that Server restarts properly.
< #
< # ------------------------------------------------------------------
< GuessMainPID=false
< # The minimum number of processes need to be set to 25059 or higher. Enable
< # and raise this limit if it is a heavily used system. Use ulimit -Su -Hu to
< # check current values.
< # LimitNPROC=25059
< # To prevent any one service from spawning too many threads and consuming all
< # server resources, systemd v228 and beyond included in SLES12 SP2 and higher
< # set the maximum number of threads to be created at 512. Users on SLES12 may
< # need to enable and raise this limit if it is a heavily used system. Use
< # "systemctl show --property DefaultTasksMax" to check the current value. To
< # find the version of systemd, use "systemctl --version".
< # TasksMax=512
> LimitNPROC=25059
> GuessMainPID=false
> Environment="arcgis_cloud_platform=aws"
However, it is not active.
root@ip-(IP address):~# systemctl status arcgisserver.service
● arcgisserver.service - ArcGIS Server Service
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/arcgisserver.service; disabled; ven
Active: inactive (dead)
Enable it.
root@ip-(IP address):~# systemctl enable arcgisserver.service
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ → /etc/systemd/system/arcgisserver.service.