The Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer (AMSR) element of NASA’s Land, Atmosphere Near real-time Capability for Earth Observation (LANCE) at the AMSR Science Investigator-led Processing System (AMSR SIPS) generates Level-2B swath and incremental Level-3 daily products from the AMSR2 instrument on JAXA’s GCOM-W1 platform, which launched on May 18, 2012.
The AMSR2 instrument was designed to detect water in all its state phases in the environment and monitor the water processes that exert a strong influence on climate and weather. Near real-time (NRT) AMSR2 products are generally available 90 minutes after observation. Data are stored in HDF-EOS5 and netCDF-4 formats and are available via HTTPS from the EOSDIS LANCE system.
This data recipe employs Python to georeference and create GeoTIFF files of several selected data fields within the HDF-EOS5 files of LANCE NRT AMSR2 data. This data recipe requires a pre-installed version of Python 3.x and the necessary Python packages.