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Rangeland Management Needs

The USDA-Agricultural Research Service (ARS) is conducting research to monitor rangeland conditions during the grazing season, including the amount of biomass available for livestock grazing. However, it remains resource prohibitive for ranchers and other land managers to measure biomass over large areas at the frequency required for adaptive rangeland management.

Satellite Needs Working Group's Solution

The Harmonized Landsat Sentinel-2 (HLS) dataset, provided by the Satellite Needs Working Group (SNWG), provides surface reflectance at 30-m resolution every two days. Using this data, USDA-ARS developed an HLS-driven biomass model that provides daily maps for adaptive rangeland management decisions at the 16,000 acre Central Plains Experimental Range in Colorado in collaboration with ranchers and other stakeholders. USDA-ARS plans to expand model usage with the U.S. Forest Service on two National Grasslands, totaling over 1 million acres.





Ranchers use daily maps of the risk of insufficient biomass (left) to decide when and where to rotate cattle and occasionally when to remove cattle during periods of severe drought (Kearney et al., 2022).

Related Publications

Kearney, Sean P., Lauren M. Porensky, David J. Augustine, Rowan Gaffney, Justin D. Derner. "Monitoring standing herbaceous biomass and thresholds in semiarid rangelands from harmonized Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 imagery to support within-season adaptive management." Remote Sensing of Environment 271 (2022).


Related Datasets

DatasetsPlatformsTemporal FrequencyHorizontal ResolutionGeographic DomainLatencySpectral BandsThematic Areas
Harmonized Landsat Sentinel-2 (HLS): HLSS30v2.0, HLSL30v2.0Sentinel-2 A, Sentinel-2 B, Landsat 8, Landsat 92-3 days30 mGlobal2-3 daysVisible (VIS), Near Infrared (NIR), Short-wave Infrared (SWIR)Carbon Cycle and Ecosystems, Disaster Response, Earth Surface and Interior, Land Cover and Land Use Change, Water and Energy Cycle


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