Earthdata Blog

A deeper dive into NASA Earth science data.

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IMPACT was instrumental to a recent enhancement of NASA’s Fire Information for Resource Management System.

Through the Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition (CSDA) Program, NASA is making substantial amounts of privately-acquired data available to researchers.

Update Your Bookmarks: We are no longer processing the "Chlorophyll a Terra/MODIS" (MODIS_Terra_Chlorophyll_A) and "Chlorophyll a Aqua/MODIS" (MODIS_Aqua_Chlorophyll_A). Comparable layers are available for Terra/MODIS, Aqua/MODIS and now, Suomi NPP/VIIRS.

Meet two members of the pyQuARC development team who are central to its success.

In collaboration with NASA's IMPACT project, dynamic false color imagery is now available through FIRMS to help better delineate burned areas.

These QL products expedite information from ICESat-2 with data available approximately 72 hours after collection

Students gained experience using CASEI to explore NASA field campaigns and learn how to download and visualize the campaign data in ArcGIS Pro software.

IMPACT played a key role in the inaugural NASA Science Mission Directorate Artificial Intelligence workshop.

The Multi-Mission Algorithm and Analysis Platform provides the aboveground terrestrial carbon research community with airborne and space-based data that provides improved geographic coverage at better spatial resolutions.

IMPACT's new website provides access to videos, talks, images, and other materials.