Earthdata Blog

A deeper dive into NASA Earth science data.

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IMPACT's Airborne Data Management Group (ADMG) was created to assist in locating and accessing the specific airborne data relevant to research objectives.

NASA operates a wide array of airborne platforms and sensors within the Airborne Science Program that collect critical data used by Earth science researchers to answer important science questions about, and to improve life on, our home planet.

The Satellite Needs Working Group (SNWG) helps connect federal agencies with the data they need to fulfill their missions and to provide services to the public.

Dust is a major hazard, and it is imperative that societies are prepared for the onset of these storms to minimize economic loss and save lives.

NASA released a BETA version of a COVID-19 dashboard using Earth observation data that tracks various impacts of the global response to the COVID-19 epidemic.

IMPACT is chairing several AGU 2020 Fall meeting sessions. We are calling out for abstract submissions for each of the sessions detailed below.

IMPACT's Analysis and Review of CMR is talking about metadata again, data that helps you find the data you want to find.

Worldview Release 3.7.0 includes Layer Picker, Timeline Availability Panel, Distraction free mode, Vector capabilities, and more!

The IMPACT informatics group is user-driven and strives to create innovative and creative solutions that bring people together to improve collaboration and communication.

The IMPACT machine learning team is developing the Phenomena Detection Portal, a web tool that utilizes machine learning techniques to detect and catalog atmospheric phenomena such as smoke plumes, high latitude dust events, and transverse cirrus bands in Earth science images.