New Tour and Imagery Roundup

We've been burning the midnight oil to bring you some new features and lots of new imagery in GIBS and Worldview.

Learn more about what's going on around the world with Worldview's new tour!


Our latest feature in Worldview is our tour!

This tour is now more story focused, bringing you 9 different stories about events going on around the world, interesting tidbits about the imagery, imagery tutorials and information on how to use Worldview.

We'll update the tour stories regularly to keep it fresh!


Go to Worldview, to check it out!

Tip: If you get tired of seeing the tour window every time you open Worldview, check the box "Do not show until a new story has been added". 

And all the new imagery...!

We've fallen way behind on letting you know about the new imagery in GIBS and Worldview. We've come to a whopping 800+ imagery layers, adding almost 200 layers since our last imagery related blog post in September 2017, and the number keeps on growing! Go to the following page to see the full list of available imagery products.

Daily and 8-day Imagery Layers


ISS/LIS Lightning Flash Count and Radiance over Africa

Lightning (6 layers)

TRMM LIS Flash Radiance (Level 2, Standard); Calibrated Flash Radiance (OTD / Microlab-1); DMSP-F12 OLS Digital Derived Lightning (Level 3, Standard, OLS / DMSP-F12); DMSP-F10 OLS Digital Derived Lightning (Level 3, Standard, OLS / DMSP-F10), ISS/LIS Flash Radiance and Flash Count.

Sulfur Dioxide (4 layers)

Sulfur Dioxide: Planetary Boundary layer; Lower Troposphere; Middle Troposphere; Upper Troposphere and Stratosphere.

Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) Daily Level 3 imagery (14 layers)

Outgoing Longwave Radiation (Day | Night, Daily); Clear Sky Outgoing Longwave Radiation (Day | Night, Daily), Carbon Monoxide (500hPa, Day | Night, Daily); Methane (400hPa, Day | Night, Daily); Surface Air Temperature (Day | Night, Daily); Surface Relative Humidity (Day | Night, Daily); Surface Skin Temperature (Day | Night, Daily)

Soil Moisture (5 layers)

GCOM-W1 AMSR2 LPRM Surface Soil Moisture C1-band (Day | Night, Daily); GCOM-W1 AMSR2 LPRM Surface Soil Moisture C1-band (Downscaled, Day | Night, Daily); SMAP/Sentinel-1 Soil Moisture

Sea Surface Currents/Height Anomalies/Temperature (8 layers)

Sea Surface Currents (Zonal, OSCAR); Sea Surface Currents (Meridional, OSCAR); Sea Surface Height Anomalies (GDR Cycles, TOPEX/Poseidon, JASON); Sea Surface Height Anomalies (US West Coast, GAFECC, TOPEX/Poseidon, JASON); Sea Surface Currents (Zonal, US West Coast, GAFECC, TOPEX/Poseidon, JASON); Sea Surface Currents (Meridional, US West Coast, GAFECC, TOPEX/Poseidon, JASON); Sea Surface Height Anomalies (Reconstructed, TOPEX/Poseidon, JASON); Sea Surface Temperature (L4, AVHRR-OI)

Sea Ice (2 layers)

AMSRU2 Sea Ice Concentration; AMSRU2 Sea Ice Brightness Temperature


OMPS Aerosol Index (PyroCumuloNimbus) over North America during the Summer 2018 wildfire season

Aerosols (5 layers)

OMI UV Aerosol Index; OMPS Aerosol Index; OMPS Aerosol Index (PyroCumuloNimbus); SeaWiFS DeepBlue Aerosol Optical Thickness 550nm (Daily); SeaWiFS DeepBlue Aerosol Angstrom Exponent (Daily)

Wind Speed (1 layer)

CYGNSS Wind Speed Daily

Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit-A (AMSU-A) imagery (45 layers)

Brightness Temperature Channels 1 - 15 from NOAA-15 (3 August 1998 - present), NOAA-16 (27 May 2001 - 3 March 2008) and NOAA-17 (21 July 2002 - 28 October 2003).

Absolute Dynamic Topography (1 layer)

Absolute Dynamic Topography (AVISO)

Liquid Water Equivalent Thickness (11 layers)

Liquid Water Equivalent Thickness (Mascon, CRI, GRACE Tellus); Liquid Water Equivalent Thickness (Mascon, GRACE Tellus); Liquid Water Equivalent Thickness (Land, GFZ, GRACE Tellus); Liquid Water Equivalent Thickness (Land, JPL, GRACE Tellus); Liquid Water Equivalent Thickness (Land, CSR, GRACE Tellus); Liquid Water Equivalent Thickness (Ocean, GFZ, GRACE Tellus); Liquid Water Equivalent Thickness (Ocean, JPL, GRACE Tellus); Liquid Water Equivalent Thickness (Ocean, CSR, GRACE Tellus); Liquid Water Equivalent Thickness (Ocean, EOF, GFZ, GRACE Tellus); Liquid Water Equivalent Thickness (Ocean, EOF, JPL, GRACE Tellus); Liquid Water Equivalent Thickness (Ocean, EOF, CSR, GRACE Tellus)

Sea Surface Salinity 8-Day (2 layers)

Sea Surface Salinity (L3, 8-Day Running Mean, Radiometer); Sea Surface Salinity (L3, CAP, 8-Day Running Mean, Radiometer)

Monthly Imagery Layers

Aerosols (2 layers)

SeaWiFS DeepBlue Aerosol Optical Thickness 550nm (Monthly); SeaWiFS DeepBlue Aerosol Angstrom Exponent (Monthly).

Sea Surface Salinity (2 layers)

Sea Surface Salinity (L3, Monthly, Radiometer); Sea Surface Salinity (L3, CAP, Monthly, Radiometer,).


Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Sea Surface Salinity (L3, CAP, Monthly)

Modern-Era Retrospective analysis for Research and Applications, Version 2 (MERRA-2) imagery (26 layers): 

  • 2-meter Air Temperature
  • Total Precipitation Bias Corrected
  • Snowfall 
  • Soil Water Root Zone
  • Evaporation over Land
  • SO2 Column Mass Density ENSEMBLE
  • Dust Surface Mass Concentration PM2.5
  • Dust Surface Mass Concentration
  • Total Aerosol Optical Thickness Scattering 550nm
  • Total Aerosol Optical Thickness Extinction 550nm
  • Total Dust Deposition, Dry+Wet All Bins
  • Evaporation from Turbulence
  • Surface Albedo
  • Carbon Monoxide Emission ENSEMBLE
  • ISCCP Cloud Albedo
  • Snow Depth Over Glaciated Surface
  • Incident Shortwave Over Land
  • Open Water Latent Energy Flux
  • Total Precipitable Water Vapor
  • 2-meter Air Temperature, Assimilated  
  • Aerosol Optical Depth Analysis
  • Surface Wind Speed
  • Air Temperature at 250hPa
  • Ozone Mixing Ratio at 50hPa
  • Relative Humidity After Moist at 700hPa
  • Convective Rainwater Source at 700hPa

Composite and Reference Layers

Socioeconomic imagery (47 layers)

  • Croplands
  • Pastures
  • Anthropogenic Biomes
  • Drought Hazard: Frequency and Distribution, Mortality Risk,  Economic Risk
  • Cyclone Hazard: Frequency and Distribution, Mortality Risk, Economic Risk
  • Flood Hazard: Frequency and Distribution, Mortality Risk, Economic Risk
  • Volcano Hazard: Frequency and Distribution, Mortality Risk, Economic Risk
  • Estimated Migration by Decade: 1970-1980, 1980 -1990, 1990-2000
  • Population Density: 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015, 2020
  • Urban Extent; Human Footprint 
  • Last of the Wild 
  • Urban-Rural Extent Below 10m
  • Particulate Matter below 2.5 micrometers 2001-2010, 2010-2012
  • Mangrove Forest
  • Probabilities of Urban Expansion
  • Summer Day Maximum Land Surface Temperature
  • Summer Night Minimum Land Surface Temperature
  • Ground Level Nitrogen Dioxide 3 year running mean 1996-1998, 2010-2012
  • Amphibian Richness: All Species, Vulnerable Species, Critically Endangered Species, Endangered Species, All Threats
  • Mammal Richness: All Species, Vulnerable Species, Critically Endangered Species, Endangered Species, All Threats 
  • Human Built-up and Settlement Extent
  • Impervious Surface Percentage

Land Cover (1 layer)

WELD 5 Year Tree Cover



SEDAC Croplands and Pastures layers


WELD 5 year Tree Cover composite over the continental US


Orbit Tracks (Ascending | Descending) (18 layers)

Sentinel 1A, Sentinel 1B , Sentinel 2A, Sentinel 2B, Sentinel 5P, ICESat-2, MetOP-C, GCOM-C and Landsat 7.

Last Updated