Maxar Intelligence, Inc. (formerly DigitalGlobe) was one of the vendors selected for evaluation in the original Commercial Satellite Data Acquisition (CSDA) program pilot. CSDA distributes data acquired by the Maxar constellation, including: WorldView-1, WorldView-2, WorldView-3, WorldView-4, GeoEye-1, QuickBird, and IKONOS. The Maxar constellation offers a unique catalog of very-high-resolution data products with resolutions as low as 31 cm per pixel, from the WorldView-3 Panchromatic band.
For specifications on individual Maxar instruments, please see the Maxar Commercial Data listing at the bottom of this page.
Authorized Data Use and Users
NASA-acquired Maxar data are available to all NASA-funded researchers. Data requests must be approved by CSDA.
End User License Agreements (EULAs)
- The Commercial Data/Imagery End User License Agreements Fact Sheet covers all Maxar imagery except Worldview-4 and IKONOS
- NextView Imagery License for IKONOS imagery
- Maxar EULA for Worldview 4 imagery
Obtaining Data
Maxar data are available to USG funded investigators through the EOCL contract. This contract permits access to archived declassified imagery as well as new tasking acquisitions. CSDA provides support to NASA funded investigators in acquiring data. In addition, some of the methods provided may be followed without the need for CSDA assistance. Details on methods to discover and access these data are as follows:
Archived Data
The following 3 methods are available to investigators for accessing Maxar archive imagery:
- CSDA archive: To access and obtain Maxar data from CSDA, first register by completing the CSDA Program Authorization form.
- Once approved, users will be contacted via email, and can then submit a request using the Maxar Data Request Form. The Maxar’s Discover Tool allows users to search and discover the entirety of Maxar’s data holdings. Once you have generated search results in the tool, you can capture the catalog IDs for your order. In the tool, use the image checkboxes in your results list to select the images you want, then click the blue ‘Actions’ button below the results list and select the 'Share by email' option. This will pop up a window with an ‘Order Summary’. You can then copy the list of Catalog IDs from the summary and paste them into the CSDA Maxar Data Request Form.
- Approved users can also directly access a very large subset of Maxar’s data holdings for immediate download from Earthdata (, a separate login can be provided to access over 12.4 million granules.
- USGS Earth Explorer ( *: US Government-funded investigators may register and access the USGS Commercial Data Purchase Imagery Archive available within the Earth Explorer
- Maxar G-EGD (*: To access and obtain Maxar data, go to the Global Enhanced GEOINT Delivery (GEGD) website. If you do not have an account, click on the ‘Get Registered’ link. Note that this service is provided by NGA for government affiliated investigators and libraries restricted to 600 GB at one time.
Tasking New Acquisitions
The following 2 methods are available to investigators for tasking Maxar satellites:
- The CSDA program can support NASA-funded investigators that have been approved to access Maxar data (CSDA Program Authorization) in the acquisition of data not found in the Maxar imagery archives ( CSDA relies on the USGS CRSSP Imagery Derived Requirements (CIDR) System to submit tasking requests. Once these data are provided, they are staged for the user to download. Acquisition and delivery of data may take multiple weeks or longer to be completely fulfilled with users notified as progress is made. Please fill out the CSDA Maxar Data Request Form with the desired tasking information in order to initiate the CSDA supported tasking fulfillment process.
- US Government-funded investigators may directly submit new data acquisitions using the USGS CIDR System, see CIDR is linked to the USGS EE and users must have and EE account and register for access to commercial data.*
*For contractors and NASA-funded investigators to register for CIDR or G-EGD access, a U.S. Government Civil Servant (CS) signature or contact information must be provided. It is recommended that this be the contracting official. For NASA-funded investigators, a CSDA program CS can be this sponsoring official upon confirmation of status. Please fill out the CSDA Program Authorization form and indicate the need for a CSDA Program sponsor in the detailed description box in the form.
For additional issues or questions related to CSDA processes, users may contact us at .
Data products and derivatives for imagery must contain copyright markings as specified below, where YYYY is the year of the image acquisition.
For all instruments except WorldView-4 and IKONOS: ©YYYY, Maxar, USG Plus
For IKONOS: ©YYYY, Maxar, NextView
For Worldview-4:
- Data products: "© Maxar Intelligence, Inc YYYY. All rights reserved."
- Derivatives: "Includes copyrighted material of Maxar Intelligence, Inc. All rights reserved."
Note that users of Maxar data must obtain approval for release of Maxar to the public (publications, presentations, etc.) from the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA). Please complete the Maxar Public Use Form before using the imagery in the public domain.
CSDA Acknowledgment
To help CSDA identify your publications, we request that you include the following acknowledgment when publishing work created using these data:
"This work utilized data made available through the NASA Commercial Satellite Data Acquisition (CSDA) Program."