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ESDS data system and science products continuously evolve through a combination of competitive awards and sustained and strategic investments in open data, international and interagency partnerships, and a set of standards that ensure consistency and interoperability. Since 1994, NASA Earth science data have been free and open to all users for any purpose, and since 2015, all data systems software developed through NASA research and technology awards have been made available to the public as Open Source Software (OSS).

ESDS falls within the purview of the agency's Earth Science Division (ESD), under the Science Mission Directorate (SMD) at NASA Headquarters.

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Earth Science to Action Strategy. Credit: NASA

Vision and Goals

Our vision is to make NASA's free and open Earth science data interactive, interoperable, and accessible for research and societal benefit both today and tomorrow.

Our Responsibilities

  • Process instrument data to create Earth System Data Records (ESDRs)
  • Actively manage NASA’s Earth science data as a national asset
  • Uphold NASA’s policy of free, full, and open sharing of all data, tools, and ancillary information for all users
  • Engage members of the Earth science community in the evolution of data systems
  • Develop data system capabilities optimized to support rigorous science investigations and the unique needs of various scientific disciplines

Our Goals

  • Set the standard for efficient production and stewardship of science-quality data
  • Advance open science data systems for the next generation of missions, data sources, and user needs
  • Lead research and development of technology for management and analysis of complex Earth science data

ESDS Program Elements

ESDS works to achieve its goals by means of several component projects, programs, and partnerships.

NASA's Earth Science Data and Information System (ESDIS) Project manages the science systems of NASA's Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS).
Interagency Implementation and Advanced Concepts Team
The Earth Science Data Systems (ESDS) Program's Web Strategy and Communications Team (WSCT) comprises experts in web development, editorial, graphic design, user experience, and outreach.
NASA's Earth Science Data Systems Geographic Information Systems Team (EGIST) enables the appropriate use and adoption of GIS technology in support of Earth science research.
The Earth Science Data Systems (ESDS) competitive programs provide innovative services to data users offering new scientific insight by engaging external researchers through peer review.
The Multi-Mission Algorithm and Analysis Platform (MAAP) brings together relevant data, algorithms, and computing capabilities in a common cloud environment to address the challenges of sharing and processing large amounts of data.

I got my PhD degree in vegetation remote sensing by using only a few Landsat images over a relatively very small area. Free access to the satellite data and the availability of supercomputing power really changes the game. I’m very excited to command a huge cluster of computers to do remote sensing work that couldn’t be imaged two decades ago.

Dr. Junchang Ju

NASA Remote Sensing Scientist