ESDS Program

ADMG CASEI Inventory Terms Definitions


The Airborne Data Management Group (ADMG) Catalog of Archived Suborbital Earth Science Investigations (CASEI) Inventory Terms Definitions provides a list of airborne and field terms and definitions. ADMG supports NASA’s airborne science community, NASA Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAACs), and airborne and field data users.

The terms presented in this Technical Note were vetted to provide contextual details to build NASA’s Airborne and Field Investigation inventory, called the Catalog of Archived Suborbital Earth Science Investigations (CASEI). Airborne and field investigation metadata is needed for consistent terminology and for clear and organized communication. Wherever possible, these inventory term definitions are structured to agree with those in standard use within the various NASA science research communities served.

Many terms are related and represent a hierarchical organizational investigation information structure around which the CASEI database was constructed.


The ADMG CASEI Inventory Terms Definitions is an approved NASA Earth Science Data Systems suggested practice.

Suggested Practice ESDS-RFC-047 – ADMG CASEI Inventory Terms Definitions 
User Resources

Catalog of Archived Suborbital Earth Science Investigations (CASEI)
ADMG Airborne and Field Data Inventory Definitions
EOSDIS Glossary

Suggested Citation Wingo, S.M., and D. Smith. 2023. ADMG CASEI Inventory Terms Definitions version 1. NASA Earth Science Data and Information System Standards Coordination Office. https// Accessed YYYY-MM-DD. 

NASA Earth Science Community Recommendations for Use


The ADMG CASEI Inventory Terms Definitions will help data producers, curators, and distributors of NASA airborne and field data to more consistently assign and use inventory terminology and definitions as organized across the CASEI content. For metadata curators and users of CASEI, formalized definitions allow for a consistent organization and understanding of various elements. In addition, application of contextual terms is better understood across the airborne and field research community as well as curators of airborne and field data such as NASA DAAC members.


ADMG’s terminology was established specifically for the benefit of building and using CASEI by providing consistent inventory terminology and definitions. it is understood that the NASA Earthdata Science community uses many terms inconsistently outside of these ADMG definitions. Terminology examples that may experience inconsistent usage include, but are not limited to, Campaign, Mission, and Deployment.


The ADMG CASEI Inventory Terms Definitions should be applied as consistently as possible throughout NASA Airborne and Field Campaign programs, public interfaces, metadata, and documentation.


The ADMG CASEI Inventory Terms Definitions are limited to metadata fields and documented data collections of NASA Airborne and Field Campaign investigations. Further influence of consistent terminology and definitions outside of those applications is a continuing opportunity. 

Last Updated