NASA's Atmospheric Science Data Center (ASDC) released the following datasets:
- CERES Regionally Averaged Computed TOA, within the Atmosphere, and Surface Fluxes Hourly Terra Edition4A (CER_CRS1deg-Hour_Terra-MODIS_Edition4A)
- CERES Regionally Averaged Computed TOA, within the Atmosphere, and Surface Fluxes Hourly Aqua Edition4A (CER_CRS1deg-Hour_Aqua-MODIS_Edition4A)
NASA's Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC) released the following datasets:
- Aqua AIRS Level 2 JoSFRA Retrieval Standard: Atmosphere cloud and surface geophysical state per footprint V2 (SNDRAQIL2JSFRET)
- Sounder SIPS: Suomi NPP CrIMSS Level 3 Specific Quality Control Gridded Monthly SiFSAP V2 (SNDRSNIML3SMSFSP)
- Sounder SIPS: Suomi NPP CrIMSS Level 3 Specific Quality Control Gridded Monthly SiFSAP V2 (SNDRSNIML3SMSFSP)
- OCO-2 Level 1A collated, parsed, calibration data V10 (OCO2_L1aIn_Pixel)
- considered NRT processing - No DOI
- OCO-2 Level 1A collated, parsed, science or calibration data, Retrospective Processing V11r (OCO2_L1aIn_Sample)
- considered NRT processing - No DOI
- OCO-2 Level 1B calibrated, geolocated calibration spectra, Retrospective Processing V11r (OCO2_L1B_Calibration)
- considered NRT processing - No DOI
- OCO-2 Level 1B calibrated, geolocated science spectra, Retrospective Processing V10r (OCO2_L1B_Science)
- considered NRT processing - No DOI
- OCO-2 Level 2 CO2 prior based on CO2 monthly flask record, global meteorology, and age of air, Retrospective Processing V10r (OCO2_L2_CO2Prior)
- considered NRT processing - No DOI
- OCO-2 Level 2 spatially ordered geolocated retrievals screened using the A-band Preprocessor, Retrospective Processing V10r (OCO2_L2_ABand)
- considered NRT processing - No DOI
- WLDAS Noah-MP 3.6 Land Surface Model L4 Daily 0.01 degree x 0.01 degree Version D1.0 (WLDAS_NOAHMP001_DA1)
NASA's Global Hydrometeorology Resource Center Distributed Active Archive Center (GHRC DAAC) released the following dataset:
- Turbulent Air Motion Measurement System (TAMMS) IMPACTS
NASA's Land Processes DAAC (LP DAAC) released the following dataset:
- OPERA Land Surface Disturbance Annual from Harmonized Landsat Sentinel-2 product (Version 1)
- ECOSTRESS Gridded Surface Energy Balance Instantaneous L3 Global 70 m v002
- ECOSTRESS Gridded Downscaled Meteorology Instantaneous L3 Global 70 m v002
- ECOSTRESS Gridded Evapotranspiration Instantaneous and Daytime L3 Global 70 m v002
- ECOSTRESS Tiled Downscaled Soil Moisture Instantaneous L3 Global 70 m v002
- ECOSTRESS Gridded Downscaled Soil Moisture Instantaneous L3 Global 70 m v002
- VIIRS/NPP Active Fires 6-Min L2 Swath 375m V002
- VIIRS/JPSS1 Active Fires 6-Min L2 Swath 375m V002
NASA's National Snow and Ice Data Center DAAC (NSIDC DAAC) released the following datasets:
- SnowEx20-21 Cameron Pass Derived Snowpack Relative Permittivities and Densities from Ground Penetrating Radar, Version 1
- IceBridge ATM Waveform Derived Snow Effective Grain Radius, Version 1
- MODIS/Terra Global Annual 0.01Deg CMG Snow Cover Climatology, Version 1
- SnowEx23 University of Wyoming Ground Penetrating Radar, Version 1
- MEaSUREs Greenland Image Mosaics from Sentinel-1A and -1B, Version 4
- MEaSUREs Greenland 6 and 12 day Ice Sheet Velocity Mosaics from SAR, Version 2
- High Mountain Asia 30m and 8m Flood Geomorphic Potential, Version 1
- ICESat-2 Derived Sea Ice Melt Pond Characteristics from the Density-Dimension Algorithm, Version 3
- Near Real-Time MODIS/Terra L3 Global Daily 500m SIN Grid Snow Cover, Grain Size, and Dust Radiative Forcing, Version 1
NASA's Oak Ridge National Laboratory DAAC (ORNL DAAC) released the following datasets:
- MASTER: Western Diversity Time Series Campaign, WDTS, Spring 2023
- Global Vegetation Height Metrics from GEDI and ICESat2
- Global MODIS and FLUXNET-derived Daily Gross Primary Production, V2
- Arctic Boreal Annual Burned Area, Circumpolar Boreal Forest and Tundra, V2, 2002-2022
- MASTER: Geological Earth Mapping Experiment (GEMx), California-Arizona, Summer 2023
- Satellite-Derived Forest Extent Likelihood Map for Mexico
- NASMo-TiAM 250m 16-day North America Surface Soil Moisture Dataset
- BlueFlux Airborne Trace Gases, Fluxes, and Mixing Ratios, Southern Florida, 2022-2023
- Gridded CO2 and CH4 Flux Estimates for pan-Arctic and Boreal Regions, 2003-2015
NASA's Physical Oceanography DAAC (PO.DAAC) released the following datasets:
- CYGNSS Level 1 Science Data Record Version 3.2
- CYGNSS Level 2 Science Data Record Version 3.2
- CYGNSS Level 3 MRG Science Data Record Version 3.2
- CYGNSS Level 3 Science Data Record Version 3.2
- Rongowai-CYGNSS Airborne Level 1 Science Data Record Version 1.0
- RSS SMAP Level 2C Sea Surface Salinity NRT V6.0 Validated Dataset
- RSS SMAP Level 2C Sea Surface Salinity V6.0 Validated Dataset
- RSS SMAP Level 3 Sea Surface Salinity Standard Mapped Image 8-Day Running Mean V6.0 Validated Dataset
- RSS SMAP Level 3 Sea Surface Salinity Standard Mapped Image Monthly V6.0 Validated Dataset