The Hydrological Cycle in the Mediterranean Experiment (HyMeX) field campaign aimed to improve the understanding, quantifying, and modeling of the hydrological cycle in the Mediterranean, with an emphasis on the predictability and evolution of extreme weather events, inter-annual to decadal (10 years) variability of the Mediterranean coupled system, and associated trends in the context of global change.
HyMeX also aimed to improve observational and modeling systems, better predict extreme events, simulate the long-term water cycle, and provide guidelines for adaptation measures. NASA's Global Precipitation Measurement Mission Ground Validation (GPM GV) participated in the HyMeX Special Observation Period (SOP) from September through November 2012 by providing a number of disdrometers, micro-rain radars, and rain gauges. The field campaign took place in Italy and France.
Read the HyMeX White Book and learn more about this field campaign at the Wallops Flight Facility HyMeX website and the HyMeX collaboration website. The overview publication, HyMeX: A 10-Year Multidisciplinary Program on the Mediterranean Water Cycle, was published in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.