The GPM Ground Validation Airborne Precipitation Radar 3rd Generation (APR-3) OLYMPEX dataset was collected from November 12, 2015 to December 19, 2015 during the GPM Ground Validation Olympic Mountains Experiment (OLYMPEX) field campaign held in the Pacific Northwest. This first version of the dataset was published in June 2017. It was replaced by an updated version [DOI:] in June 2018. The APR-3 is an updated version of the APR-2 instrument used in previous field campaigns, and contains an additional W-band measurement capability. APR-3 scans cross-track from +/- 25 to the right and left of nadir. During OLYMPEX, Ku-band, Ka-band and W-band frequency doppler measurements were made from the DC-8 aircraft at 10km altitude. The APR-3 dataset files are in HDF-4 format with PNG format browse images. This L1 APR-3 Version-1 dataset provided radar reflectivity, doppler velocity for all bands, linear depolarization ratio at Ku-band, and normalized radar cross section measurements at Ka and Ku-bands. For improved data now available in HDF5 format, we direct users to obtain the APR-3 Version-2 dataset [DOI:]. This APR3 dataset was intended for research and users should contact the APR-3 team regarding data use, especially before publication or public presentation. This dataset has been superceeded by the APR-3 Version-2 dataset [DOI:]. All users are invited to address questions and provide feedback to the Data Provider. Durden, Stephen L. and Simone Tanelli. 2017. GPM Ground Validation Airborne Precipitation Radar 3rd Generation (APR-3) OLYMPEX [indicate subset used]. Dataset available online from the NASA Global Hydrology Center DAAC, Huntsville, Alabama, U.S.A. DOI: General Characteristics Publication date: 2017-06-20 Retirement date: 2018-07-20 Version: 2.3 Scientific release: 1 Collections: GPM Ground Validation Products Projects: OLYMPEX Platforms: NASA DC-8 Instruments: APR-3 Terms: Radar Processing level: 1B Format: HDF-4 Coverage Red dots or areas indicate coverage range. Location: Washington Spatial resolution: 800 m horizontal resolution at 10 km altitude, 60 m range resolution North boundary: 49.3347 West boundary: -129.048 East boundary: -122.134 South boundary: 45.9626 Temporal resolution: 1 minute - <1 hour Start date: 2015-11-12 16:21:07 Stop date: 2015-12-19 03:21:09 Documentation Retired Dataset: Retired data available on request only User's Guide:… Publications:… Development of an advanced airborne precipitation radar Publications: Simultaneous Measurements of Ku- and Ka-band Sea Surface Cross-Sections by an Airborne Radar Publications: The Olympic Mountains Experiment (OLYMPEX) Project Home Page: OLYMPEX Home Page View Related Information: University of Washington OLYMPEX Web Site DOI: Collection DOI: OLYMPEX Field Campaign Collection DOI CITING DATA: Sample Browse Image