This dataset is the first-of-its-kind spatial representation of multi-seasonal, global SAR repeat-pass interferometric coherence and backscatter signatures. Global coverage comprises all land masses and ice sheets from 82 degrees northern to 78 degrees southern latitude. The dataset is derived from high-resolution multi-temporal repeat-pass interferometric processing of about 205,000 Sentinel-1 Single-Look-Complex (SLC) data acquired in Interferometric Wide-Swath mode (Sentinel-1 IW mode) from 1-Dec-2019 to 30-Nov-2020.
The dataset was developed by Earth Big Data LLC and Gamma Remote Sensing AG, under contract for NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
The dataset covers seasonal (DJF/MAM/JJA/SON) metrics of:
- Median 6-, 12-, 18-, 24-, 36-, and 48-day repeat coherence estimates for C-band VV and HH polarized data
- Mean backscatter (γº) for VV, VH, HH, and HV polarizations
- Seasonal coherence decay model parameters rho, tau, and rmse
- Local incidence and layover/shadow regions for all relative Sentinel-1A and Sentinel-1B orbits. Note that in the dataset filenames seasons were referred to as northern hemisphere winter (DJF), spring (MAM), summer (JJA), and fall (SON).
- For information on how to access and use the Coherence and Backscatter Dataset Image Services available from ASF, view the StoryMap tutorial: Sentinel-1 Interferometric Coherence Image Services
“Enhancing access to the Global Seasonal Sentinel-1 Interferometric Coherence and Backscatter Dataset with Image Services”
- More information about Sentinel-1 at ASF SAR DAAC
- Search and download Sentinel-1 data
- Work with Sentinel-1 data
Product Summary
Citation is critically important for dataset documentation and discovery. This dataset is openly shared, without restriction, in accordance with the EOSDIS Data Use Policy.
Data Center Citation
The use of these data fall under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License
Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data.
Data Citation
As a condition of using these data, please cite the use of this data set using the following citation.
Kellndorfer, J. , O. Cartus, M. Lavalle, C. Magnard, P. Milillo, S. Oveisgharan, B. Osmanoglu, P. Rosen, and U. Wegmüller. 2022. Global seasonal Sentinel-1 interferometric coherence and backscatter data set. [Indicate subset used]. Fairbanks, Alaska USA. NASA Alaska Satellite Facility Synthetic Aperture Radar Distributed Active Archive Center. doi: [Date Accessed].
Literature Citation
As a condition of using these data, we request that you acknowledge the author(s) of this data set by referencing the following peer-reviewed publication.
Kellndorfer, J. , O. Cartus, M. Lavalle, C. Magnard, P. Milillo, S. Oveisgharan, B. Osmanoglu, P. Rosen, and U. Wegmüller. 2022. Global seasonal Sentinel-1 interferometric coherence and backscatter data set., Scientific Data.