After logging-in the user must make some choices before creating their InSAR products. These steps guide you through that process, with recommended settings.
Start an EC2 Instance
- Sign in to your AWS account, or create one now.
After logging-in the user must make some choices before creating their InSAR products. These steps guide you through that process, with recommended settings.
AWS Management Console
2. Click on the Services drop down on the top left
3. Under Compute, click on EC2.
Navigate to EC2
1. At the right on the top menu bar, set the Region to US East (N. Virginia) by selecting from the drop-down menu.
2. Click on the Launch Instance button.
3. Click on Launch Instance.
Select the Region and Launch Instance
Launch instance
3. Choose an Amazon Machine Instance (AMI) — Step 1
Search Community AMIs for asf-insar-gmt5sar
Choose Instance Type m4.xlarge
View Instance Details
3. Add Storage — Step 4
Set Size value, then click Next: Add Tags
4. Add Tags — Step 5
Click Add Tag
Enter text for the Key and Value entries
5. Configure Security Group — Step 6
Enter a Security group name and choose a Source
Select My IP as a Source
6. Review Instance Launch — Step 7
Review the details of your configuration
Note: The key pair file will download to your default Download directory as filename.pem and can be moved to a directory of your choice. The .pem file is required to connect to your EC2 Instance and to transfer data between your computer and your EC2 Instance.
Select Create a new key pair
Download your Key Pair
View Launch Status
View your EC2 Instance's details
Important: Do not terminate your EC2 Instance until you have finished processing and moved any files you want to save from your instance to your computer. To connect to your EC2 Instance and move files in or out, refer to the ASF Data Recipes: How to Connect to an AWS EC2 Instance — OS X and How to Connect to an AWS EC2 Instance using PuTTY v1.1 (Windows)
Important: Selecting Stop will shut the instance down and stop further EC2 charges from accruing. But you will continue to be charged for the data left in the instance EBS storage volume (e.g., the GMT5SAR script, granule files, PRODUCT files, etc.) The advantage of this option is that you can restart the instance and avoid configuring a new one for additional processing.
Note: Each time an instance is started, a minimum one minute is charged. After one minute, you are charged by the seconds used.
Navigate to terminate the EC2 Instance