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GNSS Data Holdings: On-board Receiver Data

Access Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) data from flight receivers aboard low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites.

NASA’s Crustal Dynamics Data Information System (CDDIS) began archiving data from flight receivers aboard low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites in support of the IGS LEO Working Group. Satellite data available in this archive include CHAMP, ICESat-1, Jason-1, and SAC-C. All flight receiver data are stored in RINEX format.

The starting directory for these files is:

Append the following directory and file names to the starting directory:


as described in the table below.

SATNAMEsatellite name
YYYY4-digit year
DDD3-digit day of year
SSSSsatellite code
YY2-digit year
ttype of data:

d = Hatanaka-compressed observation data
s = observation summary files (output of TEQC)
o = ICESat GPS data in standard RINEX format
pc = ICESat position solution from receiver
.ZUNIX compressed file