The United Nations (UN) has established 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in order to help shape a better future for our planet. In 2015, the UN Statistical Commission created the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on SDG Indicators (IAEG-SDGs), which developed over 200 indicators to monitor progress towards the SDGs.
The Sustainable Development Goals Indicators (SDGI) collection provides globally consistent, regularly updated, operational datasets of SDG indicators. These datasets exemplify the potential of non-traditional global open data sources in bridging data gaps to help monitor SDG progress.
Currently, the collection includes SDG indicators 7.1.1 (Access to Electricity), 9.1.1 (The Rural Access Index), 11.2.1 (Access to Public Transport), and 11.7.1 (Urban Public Space, Availability and Access). In partnership with NASA, Columbia University’s Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) plans to release regular updates of each indicator data set and is currently developing methodologies to compute additional indicator data sets.
These data sets were developed in support of the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) Human Planet Initiative (HPI).