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People of LANCE

The team leading NASA's Land, Atmosphere Near real-time Capability for Earth observation (LANCE) comprises experts in data science, information technology, and communications.


Karen MichaelLANCE Manager
Diane DaviesLANCE Operations Manager
Jenny HewsonLANCE Outreach and Implementation Manager

LANCE User Working Group

LANCE is reviewed and supported by a User Working Group (UWG) whose members reflect the various user communities served by LANCE. The group is chaired by Miguel Román, Deputy Director for Atmospheres, Earth Science Division, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. Román took over from Professor Chris Justice (Chair of the Department of Geographical Sciences, University of Maryland) who was chair for 10 years. The UWG meets at least once per year to review the status of LANCE operations and development activities and to provide guidance concerning future upgrades suggested by the user communities and the LANCE elements. Details of the responsibilities of the UWG are given in the UWG Charter.

More information about the User Working Group can be found on the LANCE wiki.

User Working Group Members

NameTitle/AffiliationElement of Interest
Miguel Román (Chair)NASA Goddard Space Flight CenterAll Elements
Arlindo da SilvaNASA Goddard Space Flight CenterMODIS, VIIRS, AIRS
Brad QuayleUS Forest Service (USFS)MODIS, VIIRS
Fred StolleWorld Resources Institute (WRI)MODIS, VIIRS
Josh CossuthNaval Research Laboratory (NRL), Monterey/Washington, D.C.MODIS, VIIRS, AMSR-E
Lori SchultzNASA Marshall Space Flight CenterMODIS, VIIRS
Maggi GlasscoeUniversity of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH)MODIS, VIIRS, SAR
Mark TriceMaryland Department of Natural Resources (MD DNR)MODIS, VIIRS
Mike BuddeUS Geological Survey (USGS)MODIS, VIIRS
Mike FrommNaval Research Laboratory (NRL), Washington, D.C.MODIS, VIIRS
Patrick DuranNASA Marshall Space Flight Center - Short Term Prediction Research and Transition Center (SPoRT)MODIS, VIIRS, AIRS, AMSR-E
Albert KettnerColorado/Dartmouth Flood ObservatoryMODIS
Steve MillerColorado State University, Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere (CIRA)MODIS, VIIRS

User Working Group (UWG) Meetings

Summary information from previous LANCE UWG Meetings and some summary articles written in NASA's The Earth Observer are available on the LANCE wiki.