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CPEX Data Collection

Explore the data collection for NASA's Convective Processes Experiment (CPEX).

NASA's Convective Processes Experiment (CPEX) aircraft field campaign took place in the North Atlantic–Gulf of Mexico–Caribbean Sea region from May 25 to June 25, 2017. CPEX conducted a total of 16 DC-8 missions from May 27 to June 24. 

The 16 missions covered a wide range of weather conditions from clear and calm wind, isolated convective cloud systems, to Tropical Storm Cindy (2017). It is the first field campaign that collected airborne observations continually from pre-tropical disturbance in the Caribbean Sea, to tropical depression, and formation of Tropical Storm Cindy in the Gulf of Mexico prior to landfall.

The three main science objectives of CPEX were: 

  1. Improve understanding of convective processes including cloud dynamics, downdrafts, cold pools and thermodynamics during initiation, growth, and dissipation. 
  2. Obtain a comprehensive set of simultaneous wind, temperature, and moisture profiles, using Doppler wind lidar (DAWN), microwave radiometer and sounder (HAMSR/MASC), and GPS dropsondes, conduct a quantitative evaluation of those profiles in the vicinity of scattered and organized deep convection measured by airborne precipitation radar (APR2), in all phases of convective life cycle. 
  3. Improve model representation of convective and boundary layer processes over the tropical oceans using a cloud-resolving, fully coupled atmosphere-ocean model, and assimilate the wind, temperature and humidity profiles into the model.

Cite the Collection

To cite the entire collection, please use the following:

Chen, Shuyi S. and E. J. Zipser. 2017. Convective Process Experiment (CPEX) Field Campaign Collection [indicate subset used]. Data available online from the NASA EOSDIS Global Hydrometeorology Resource Center Distributed Active Archive Center, Huntsville, Alabama, U.S.A. doi:

For more information on citing data archived by NASA's Global Hydrometeorology Resource Center Distributed Active Archive Center (GHRC DAAC), see NASA's data use policy.

General Characteristics

PlatformsNASA DC-8
Sensors/InstrumentsAPR-2, DAWN, HAMSR, MASC, Dropsondes
ParametersAtmospheric Pressure, Atmospheric Temperature, Atmospheric Water Vapor, Atmospheric Winds, Clouds, Microwave, Precipitation, Radar
Processing level1A, 1B, 2
FormatsASCII, HDF4, HDF5, netCDF-3


CPEX coverage show in a red box overlaid on a simple line map.
Image Caption

Red dots or areas indicate coverage range.

LocationNorth Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean Sea
Spatial resolution1km at surface, along-track 3.0 km, 2 km, 15-20 km
North boundary29°
West boundary-97°
East boundary-69°
South boundary16°
Temporal resolution1 second - < Daily
Start date2017-05-25
Stop date2017-06-25

Member Datasets and More Information

High Altitude MMIC Sounding Radiometer (HAMSR) CPEX V1
Advanced Scatterometer (ASCAT) CPEX
Airborne Precipitation Radar 3rd Generation (APR-3) CPEX
Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievals for GPM (IMERG) CPEX V1
Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) CPEX
Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) CPEX V1
Global Forecast System (GFS) CPEX
Microwave Atmospheric Sounder on Cubesat (MASC) CPEX V1
DC-8 Navigation Data CPEX
Total Precipitable Water (TPW) CPEX


General Documentation
NASA JPL CPEX Information
General Documentation
BAMS: Convective Process Experiment (CPEX) 2017
Digital Object Identifier