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TROPOMI Near Real-Time Data

Near real-time atmospheric radiance and composition data from the European Space Agency TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) are available through NASA’s Land, Atmosphere Near real-time Capability for Earth observation (LANCE).

Launched in 2017, the TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) aboard the Copernicus Sentinel-5 Precursor (S5P) satellite provides measurements of hyperspectral radiances from the UV to Near IR that can be used to retrieve atmospheric composition and aerosol properties. Near real-time (NRT) TROPOMI data are available through NASA’s Land, Atmosphere Near real-time Capability for Earth observation (LANCE) generally within 30 to 180 minutes of satellite observation. TROPOMI is a key tool for the atmospheric radiation, aerosol/plume forecasting, and air quality community.

To download TROPOMI data, register for an Earthdata Login. Use the table below to access specific LANCE data products.

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S5P_L1B_RA_BD3_HiR_NRTSentinel-5p TROPOMI Near-Real-Time Level 1b Radiance product band 3 (UVIS detector) 1-Orbit 5.5km x 21km110 
S5P_L1B_RA_BD4_HiR_NRTSentinel-5p TROPOMI Near-Real-Time Level 1b Radiance product band 4 (UVIS detector) 1-Orbit 5.5km x 21km110 
S5P_L1B_RA_BD5_HiR_NRTSentinel-5p TROPOMI Near-Real-Time Level 1b Radiance product band 5 (NIR detector) 1-Orbit 5.5km x 21km110 
S5P_L1B_RA_BD6_HiR_NRTSentinel-5p TROPOMI Near-Real-Time Level 1b Radiance product band 6 (NIR detector) 1-Orbit 5.5km x 21km110 
S5P_L1B_RA_BD7_HiR_NRTSentinel-5p TROPOMI Near-Real-Time Level 1b Radiance product band 7 (SWIR detector) 1-Orbit 5.5km x 21km50 
S5P_L2__AER_AI_HiR_NRTSentinel-5p TROPOMI Near-Real-Time Aerosol Index 1-Orbit L2 5.5km x 3.5km3 
S5P_L2__CO_____HiR_NRTSentinel-5p TROPOMI Near-Real-Time CO Column 1-Orbit L2 5.5km x 7km3 
S5P_L2__NO2____HiR_NRTSentinel-5p TROPOMI Near-Real-Time Tropospheric NO2 1-Orbit L2 5.5km x 3.5km8 
S5P_L2__O3_TCL_NRTSentinel-5p TROPOMI Near-Real-Time Ozone Tropospheric Column*5 
S5P_L2__O3_TOT_HiR_NRTSentinel-5p TROPOMI Near-Real-Time Total Ozone Column 1-Orbit L2 5.5km x 3.5km16 
S5P_L2__SO2____HiR_NRTSentinel-5p TROPOMI Near-Real-Time Sulphur Dioxide SO2 1-Orbit L2 5.5km x 3.5km0.02 

*this product is expedited and made available within 1 day of satellite observation rather than the average 3 days for the standard product