Name | Title |
Alex de Sherbinin | Manager |
Sri Vinay | Deputy Manager and Systems Engineer |
Robert Downs | Co-Project Scientist |
Dana Thomson | Co-Project Scientist |
Hans Bosch | IT Security Point of Contact and Operations Manager |
Francis Lindsay | Contracting Officer's Representative, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
User Working Group
The SEDAC User Working Group (UWG) provides ongoing advice and guidance regarding SEDAC activities and plans. UWG members represent a broad range of social and natural science disciplines and other user groups from the public and private sectors. A SEDAC project scientist serves as executive secretary.
Roles and Responsibilities
User Working Group responsibilities include reviewing SEDAC's progress and performance, representation of user community perspectives in the development of SEDAC products and services, recommendation of specific data products and services to NASA and SEDAC, and provision of strategic guidance to NASA and SEDAC on objectives, priorities, target user communities, implementation approaches, and other issues.
Current Members