NASA's Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center (LP DAAC) ingests, processes, archives, and distributes NASA data products related to land processes collected by several Earth observing instruments, including ASTER, MODIS, and VIIRS; two Earth Venture Class instruments, including ECOSTRESS, and GEDI; and mission-derivate products created by select principal investigators.
LP DAAC provides data crucial to the investigation, characterization, and monitoring of biological, geological, hydrological, ecological, and related conditions and processes. In doing so, it promotes the interdisciplinary study and understanding of Earth’s integrated systems.
Several tools and services are available for searching, downloading, and ordering data from LP DAAC. Users may obtain all data products distributed by LP DAAC by using NASA’s Earthdata Search. Point and area sampling can be completed for a variety of data products from LP DAAC and for geospatial data products from other federal archives using the Application for Extracting and Exploring Analysis Ready Samples (AppEEARS). Users may also acquire data via HTTP by directly accessing LP DAAC’s Data Pool.
LP DAAC Data and Services
Visit the LP DAAC website to learn more about data and services. LP DAAC content will move into Earthdata in 2025.
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