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People of ASF DAAC

The team at NASA’s Alaska Satellite Facility Distributed Active Archive Center (ASF DAAC) are leaders in the field of remote sensing and synthetic aperture radar (SAR). 


Wade AlbrightDAAC Manager
Kirk HogensonDeputy DAAC Manager
Dr. Franz MeyerChief Scientist

ASF DAAC User Working Group

ASF DAAC's User Working Group (UWG) comprises scientists from the fields of research that the ASF DAAC serves.

A formal Charter has not been written for the UWG. The UWG operates under the following terms of reference:

  • Reviewing the progress and performance of the DAAC relative to ASF DAAC missions
  • Representing the user community in the development and operation of ASF DAAC products and services
  • Suggesting specific data products and services to NASA and the DAAC
  • Providing input to NASA and ASF on DAAC objectives, priorities, target user communities, implementation approaches, and other issues