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Pipeline Fire, Arizona

Image captured on Jun 13, 2022, by the MODIS instrument aboard the Terra satellite.
Color-corrected, MODIS data image of the Pipeline Fire,  June 2022.
Image Caption

The map above shows a false-color corrected reflectance image of the Pipeline Fire north of Flagstaff, Arizona, on June 13, 2022. The fire was first reported at 10:15 a.m., MST, by a fire lookout on June 12, 2022. This image was acquired by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), aboard NASA's Terra satellite. The false-color image is a false-color Red-Green-Blue (RGB) composite where Red is Band 7, Green is Band 2, and Blue is Band 1. This band combination is most useful for distinguishing burn scars from naturally low vegetation or bare soil and enhancing floods. Vegetation appears green, water is black/dark blue, burn scars are red, and the actively burning fire front is bright red.

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Sources: Pipeline Fire, InciWeb - Incident Information System


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