This false-color (Bands M11-I2-I1) corrected reflectance image of bushfires in Grampian National Park, Australia, was captured by the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) instrument aboard the joint NASA/NOAA NOAA-21 platform. This false-color band combination is most useful for distinguishing burn scars from naturally low vegetation or bare soil and for enhancing floods. Vegetation appears green, water is black/dark blue, burn scars are red, and the actively burning fire front is bright red.
Swipe the center bar left and right to view the Fires and Thermal Anomalies layer (shown as red dots) overlaid on the false-color image. The red dots represent the approximate center of a 375 meter pixel which is flagged as containing one or more fires (or other thermal anomalies). The “location” is the center point of the pixel (not necessarily the coordinates of the actual fire).