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Special GES DISC Earthdata Forum Event on October 2

Staff from NASA's GES DISC and subject matter experts will be available live on the Earthdata Forum to answer questions about using GES DISC tools and data.

Staff from NASA’s Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC) and subject matter experts on the remote sensing of atmospheric dust will be available to answer questions and demonstrate GES DISC data analysis tools as part of a live Earthdata Forum event on Friday, October 2, between 9 AM and 5 PM, Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

This special event is a continuation of the recent Earthdata Webinar A Clearer View of the Haze – Using NASA GES DISC Data Tools to Examine the June 2020 Sahara Dust Event. The webinar took place Wednesday, September 23 (click on video link below to view the webinar).

Forum participants can submit questions in real-time using the Forum thread Earthdata Webinar: A Clearer View of the Haze–Using NASA GES DISC Data Tools to Examine the June 2020 Sahara Dust Event. Participants from overseas, particularly in Asian and Australian time zones, can post their questions prior to the start of the event.

In June 2020, one of the largest Saharan dust outbreaks observed in decades crossed the Atlantic Ocean. This dust caused reduced visibility as well as potentially hazardous air quality over a large region encompassing the Caribbean, northern South America, and the U.S. Southeast and Gulf Coast. During the webinar, GES DISC Senior Scientist Dr. James Acker showed how GES DISC tools and applications such as the Level 2 data subsetter, the Level 3 and 4 Regridder-Subsetter (L34RS), the personal data dashboard, and Giovanni can be used to analyze data collected during this event.

Friday’s Forum Active Discussion (FAD), which will be moderated by Dr. Acker, features GES DISC staff and subject matter experts who can provide specific information about atmospheric dust analysis and the use of GES DISC tools and applications that can be used to analyze data available through GES DISC. They also can respond to specific questions related to the use of GES DISC data and data analysis tools. This is a great opportunity to learn more about these analysis products as well as how they can be applied to data from an actual event.

GES DISC is NASA's Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS) Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC) responsible for NASA Earth science satellite and modeling data products related to global precipitation, atmospheric composition, atmospheric dynamics, hydrology, and solar irradiance.

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The Earthdata Forum provides a central location where data users can interact with subject matter experts from multiple DAACs to discuss general questions about research needs and data applications, and receive help on specific queries about accessing, viewing, and manipulating NASA Earth observing data.

The event is free, and the event thread will remain on the Earthdata Forum for reference after the event. Questions outside the scope of this forum are welcome, but may experience a longer response time.


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Data Center/Project

Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC)