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New Data Discoveries Added to VEDA Dashboard

Five discoveries incorporating NASA Earth science data have been added to the Visualization, Exploration, and Data Analysis (VEDA) Dashboard.
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Discoveries about fire, coastal risks from sea level rise, changes in the global water cycle, snowpack projections, and Houston heat are the newest additions to NASA’s Visualization, Exploration, and Data Analysis (VEDA) Dashboard.

The VEDA Dashboard currently has seven Thematic Areas, each of which is comprised of Discoveries and Datasets. Life Cycle of a Fire, Unraveling the Components of Coastal Risk, A New View of the Global Water Cycle, and A New NASA Model Brings Open Science to Target Water Quality Problems are new Discoveries in the VEDA Earth Information Systems (EIS) Thematic Area; Implications for Heat Stress is a Discovery added to the VEDA Environmental Justice (EJ) Thematic Area. All five Discoveries draw on data openly available through NASA’s Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS).

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This comparison of temperature differences in Houston, TX, (left image) and areas of social vulnerability in the city (right image) is from the new VEDA Discovery exploring the implications of high heat in Houston. The Discovery features information about heat stress, environmental inequality in Houston, and how satellite data can be used to study urban heat. Credit: NASA IMPACT/VEDA project.

Created by NASA’s Interagency Implementation and Advanced Concepts Team (IMPACT), the VEDA project consolidates Geographic Information Systems (GIS) delivery mechanisms, processing platforms, analysis services, and visualization tools. An ecosystem of open tools for addressing Earth science research and application needs is provided through the public-facing VEDA Dashboard. In keeping with NASA’s open science policies, all VEDA project code repositories and associated documentation are publicly available and accessible via GitHub.

Start discovering NASA Earth science with the VEDA Dashboard today!


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