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New GHRC DAAC Retired Datasets Page

A new GHRC DAAC webpage provides links to datasets and dataset documents that are no longer part of the active GHRC dataset collection.

Like all NASA Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS) Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAACs), NASA's Global Hydrometeorology Resource Center Distributed Active Archive Center (GHRC DAAC) continually updates existing data products to ensure that the most accurate data for scientific research is always available. In some cases, this means that older datasets are replaced with updated versions based on new algorithms and some datasets are retired due to a request from the data provider. In every case, these older or retired datasets—along with all supporting dataset documentation—are still available for user access on a permanent landing page, although only the latest, most recent version of a dataset is listed on GHRC’s HyDRO 2.0 dataset search and discovery application and available through the EOSDIS Earthdata Search application.

A new GHRC Retired Datasets webpage provides links to retired dataset landing pages. It is important to note that these older or retired datasets may not be based on the most current data processing algorithms, and decisions on whether to maintain these older datasets are made on a case-by-case basis. Users needing access to data from these retired datasets for research should contact the GHRC User Services office.


GHRC DAAC is responsible for NASA EOSDIS data focusing on lightning, tropical cyclones, and storm-induced hazards, and is a joint venture of NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, AL, and the University of Alabama in Huntsville’s Information Technology and Systems Center (ITSC).


Last Updated


Data Center/Project

Global Hydrometeorology Resource Center DAAC (GHRC DAAC)