It's Valentine's Day, and we've created the perfect cards to share with your Earth-loving (and wordplay-appreciative) friends and family. Fair warning: there are 4.7 billion datasets in our archive, so leave yourself plenty of time to count...
Happy Valentine's Day from Earthdata
Elizabeth Barrett Browning would be proud.
How do I love thee? Let me count the datasets... valentine (PNG, 201KB)
NASA Worldview is a powerful tool for browsing, downloading, and animating thousands of datasets. Check out NASA Worldview and share our world view.
You're my Worldview valentine (PNG, 1.9MB)
Earth will forever be our first love for planets. The Earth pictured here is called "Twin Blue Marbles” and was constructed from several satellite missions over time.
Love, Earth valentine (PNG, 1.4MB)
The Harmonized Landsat and Sentinel-2 Project inputs data from the joint NASA/USGS Landsat 8 and Landsat 9 and the ESA (European Space Agency) Sentinel-2A and Sentinel-2B satellites to generate a harmonized, analysis-ready surface reflectance data product with observations every two to three days. Find and download the data from Earthdata Search.
Be the Landsat to my Sentinel-2 valentine (PNG, 1.4MB)