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Learn How to Use Giovanni for Multidisciplinary Research

NASA’s GES DISC is hosting a Short Course at the AMS Annual Meeting to provide a foundation for using GES DISC's Giovanni data visualization application.
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This image shows rain shadows in the Pacific Northwest plotted with Giovanni using North American Land Data Assimilation Noah model data, averaged over the period September 2014 to August 2015. Circles indicate the rain shadow of the Olympic Mountains on the Olympic Peninsula (black circle), the Yakima River valley in the rain shadow of the Cascade Range (yellow circle), and the rain shadow of Mount Rainier (white circle). Data analyses such as these are generated quickly and easily with Giovanni, and can be used in a wide range of agricultural and water resources applications. NASA GES DISC image.

NASA’s Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC) is responsible for NASA Earth science satellite and modeling data products related to global precipitation, atmospheric composition, atmospheric dynamics, hydrology, and solar irradiance. A key system for analyzing these data is GES DISC’s Giovanni data visualization application, which provides a simple, intuitive way to visualize, analyze, and access Earth science remote sensing data without having to download the data.

A recent Giovanni update expanded the capabilities of this application to better enable the use of data sets from multiple disciplines, particularly those related to meteorology and hydrology. To help new and returning Giovanni users make the most of these enhancements, GES DISC is hosting a short course prior to the upcoming American Meteorological Society (AMS) 99th Annual Meeting in Phoenix, AZ: An Introduction to Using the NASA Giovanni System for Multidisciplinary Research and Applications. The short course takes place Sunday, January 6, 2019, and will give participants the necessary knowledge and skills to perform multi-disciplinary research using Giovanni.

Along with learning how to use Giovanni, participants also will learn about GES DISC’s large collection of NASA Earth science data, have the opportunity to conduct several hands-on data visualization scenarios demonstrating Giovanni capabilities, and learn how to use Giovanni to create multidisciplinary data analyses.

For more information please contact James Acker, NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, Code 610.2, Greenbelt, MD 20771 USA (; 301-614-5435) or Zhong Liu at the same address (; 301-614-5764).


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Data Center/Project

Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC)