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Updated User Interface in FIRMS

NASA’s Fire information for Resource Management System (FIRMS) released an expanded User Interface (UI) for both FIRMS Global and FIRMS US/Canada.

At the end of 2023, NASA’s Fire information for Resource Management System (FIRMS) released an expanded User Interface (UI) for both FIRMS Global and FIRMS US/Canada. The objectives of the expanded UI are to:

  • Support an increasingly diverse set of users
  • Increase visibility/access to other FIRMS products/services
  • Maintain distinctive UIs for user levels, use cases & prototype products
  • Enhance ability to filter and visualize data
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The expanded UI includes multiple modes, all accessible within the Main Menu. These include:

  • BASIC MODE: A concise interface containing essential layers to quickly identify and visualize current/recent fire activity and factors affecting satellite fire detection
  • ADVANCED MODE: Designed for those already versed in FIRMS; provides access to all the satellite imagery (including active fire data from geostationary satellites), other satellite data products, and ancillary geospatial data available through FIRMS in order to visualize, explore, and analyze for current and past fire activity
  • BURNED AREA: Provides satellite imagery and other derived satellite data products to detect, visualize, explore, and analyze burned area
  • US/CANADA: Provides satellite imagery and other satellite data products to visualize, explore, and analyze current and past fire activity in the United States and Canada; additional geospatial data available through FIRMS US/Canada inform and support strategic wildland fire management users
  • SMOKE/AEROSOLS: Provides satellite products useful for highlighting the extent of wildfire smoke as well as for tracking the transport of smoke
  • EXPERIMENTAL (in progress): Will provide new or prototype satellite data products for assessment and evaluation by the user community
  • FIRE ALERTS: For users to sign up and receive email alerts about detected fire activity through FIRMS
  • DOWNLOADS: Provides users with access to archived data for review and download

An Earthdata Webinar is available that includes an overview of the Expanded UI, along with multiple demonstrations.

For more information on FIRMS see the FIRMS Additional Resources Page.


Last Updated
