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New Tool for Low-Bandwidth Access to Satellite Imagery: Worldview Snapshots

Worldview Snapshots is a lightweight tool for creating image snapshots from a selection of popular NASA satellite imagery layers provided through GIBS.

The Global Imagery Browse Services (GIBS) and Worldview Teams have developed a new tool called Worldview Snapshots. Worldview Snapshots is a lightweight tool for creating image snapshots from a selection of popular NASA satellite imagery layers provided through GIBS.

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You can preview and download imagery in different band combinations and add overlays on the imagery of active fire/thermal anomalies detections, coastlines, borders and roads. Once you've selected your desired area of interest and parameters - map projection, date, layers, bounding box, and image file options - click on the "Preview" button. Saving the URL in the "Share Image" box in the Preview pane and clicking the checkbox next to either "Always show today" or "Always show yesterday" will ensure that every time you visit that URL you will always get today's image or yesterday's image depending on which option you picked. Click on "Download Image" to get your desired image.

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If you're familiar with Rapid Response, you may know that it is being decommissioned and Worldview Snapshots is its replacement. If you like to maintain your Rapid Response Subset bounding boxes, links on the Worldview Snapshots Links to Rapid Response Subsets page will direct you to the same Rapid Response bounding box area in Worldview Snapshots.

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Learn more about Worldview Snapshots in the article Introducing Worldview Snapshots and start using Worldview Snapshots today.


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