Sentinel-1 Single Look Complex (SLC) products include three sub-swaths, each containing many individual burst SLCs. Working at the burst level provides a couple of key benefits:
1. The coverage of a burst is the same for every orbit of the satellite, and
2. The geographic coverage of bursts is smaller, thereby decreasing processing time and cost.
Learn how to work with Sentinel-1 Burst products in this Sentinel-1 Bursts tutorial.
This tutorial is part of a StoryMap series that details InSAR on Demand services offered by NASA’s Alaska Satellite Facility Distributed Active Archive Center (ASF DAAC).
Related tutorials include the following:
- Burst-Based InSAR for Sentinel-1 On Demand
- Change Detection Using OPERA Sentinel-1 RTC
- Exploring Sentinel-1 InSAR
- Global 30m HAND
- InSAR On Demand
- InSAR Water Masking
- Log Difference Tool
- OPERA Sentinel-1 RTC
- Reclassify RTC Tool
- RTC On Demand
- Scale Conversion Tool
- Sentinel-1 Bursts
- Sentinel-1 Interferometric Coherence Image Services