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ArcGIS Sever from AWS Marketplace can't publish mosaic dataset image service by default. The document [1] says both ArcGIS GIS Server and ArcGIS Image Server are required to publish mosaic dataset.

Step by step guide

Installation guide for ArcGIS Image Server is provided in [2].

  1. In Step 4, there's no authorization wizard for Linux that is equivalent to Windows. However, it was already done silently using CLI.
    1. If you have X-windows, you can try GUI with /arcgis/server/tools/authorizeSoftware.
  2. Create a user account in Portal with Creator and Administrator role.
  3. Allow * domain as Trusted site in your Internet Explorer setting.
  4. Launch ArcGIS Pro. Login to Portal.
  5. Select Favorites. Add server that is federated with Portal. Add AWS RDS as well.
  6. Create mosaic dataset.
  7. Right click Server Connection (with publishing privileges) from Catalog Pane. Click Publish. Click Image Service.
  8. Click Configuration tab.
  9. Edit Image Service properties to include Pixels. This will allow user to click a point and visualize historical plot.
  10. Select WCS and WMS and press Publish.
  11. You can get the URLs for WCS and WMS from ArcGIS Server manager. Please note that there is no /rest/ in the path (cf. the REST interface for ArcGIS Map service).
    1. https://URL/mosaic_dataset_name/ImageServer/WMSServer
    2. https://URL/mosaic_dataset_name/ImageServer/WCSServer
  12. Use the above URLs for QGIS to test the enabled services. Please note the "Returned legend image is flawed" error message. This occurs for WMS only, not WCS.
Screenshot of the ArcGIS Server Manager showing the role and extension expiration dates as Never.
Image Caption

If the ArcGIS Image Server role is not licensed on the ArcGIS Server, it will look like this.

Note: ArcGIS Image Server is also required when publishing a map document containing a mosaic dataset or raster layer using the Mosaic function in its function chain. Without ArcGIS Image Server, the services created from these documents will not contain the mosaic dataset or layer.

Note: Esri does not provide technical support for provisioning and configuring cloud infrastructure beyond what ArcGIS Enterprise deployment tooling creates and manages as part of its normal operations. For cloud platforms for which Esri does not provide specialized deployment tooling, support is limited to troubleshooting software-specific issues.


  1. Publishing image services from ArcGIS Pro
  2. Set up ArcGIS Image Server


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