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  1. Login Esri download website using your account.
  2. Click My Organizations.
  3. Click Downloads.
  4. Select ArcGIS Enterprise (Linux) 10.8.
  5. Select and download ArcGIS Notebook Server (1.4G).
  6. Select and download ArcGIS Notebook Docker Standard Image (2.5G).
  7. Install Docker Engine CE.
    1. ssh as ubuntu user and become root.
    2. apt-get update
    3. apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl gnupg-agent software-properties-common
    4. curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
    5. apt-key fingerprint 0EBFCD88
    6. add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable"
    7. apt-get update
    8. apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli
    9. docker run hello-world
  8. sudo usermod -aG docker arcgis
  9. ssh as arcgis and run docker run hello-world. (Lgout and login back if you see permission denied error.)
  10. Become root again. Run
    1. systemctl stop docker.service
    2. mkdir -p /data/docker
    3. chmod 755 /var/lib/docker
    4. mv /var/lib/docker /data/docker
    5. ln -s /data/docker /var/lib/docker
    6. systemctl start docker.service
  11. tar zxvf ArcGIS_Notebook_Server_Linux_108_173012.tar.gz
  12. cd NotebookServer_Linux/
  13. Run X server on your machine (e.g., Xming). Then run ./Setup.
  14. Accept agreement and specify installation folder.
  15. Use license file (.prvc) to activate license. Once installation is complete, you will get the following dialog box.
  16. At the end, it will run Firefox and Firefox may crash. Let the installer exit and launch firefox (your localhost arcgis configuration URL)
  17. On ssh terminal with arcgis user, run cd /arcgis/notebookserver/tools/postInstallUtility.
  18. ./ -l /home/arcgis/ArcGIS_Notebook_Docker_Standard_108_172942.tar.gz
  19. Go back to Firefox window and enter username and password for notebook server administrator.
  20. Press Finish at the end.
  21. Remember admin URL and get ready for federation.
  22. Become root and run cp /arcgis/notebookserver/framework/etc/scripts/agsnotebook.service /etc/systemd/system
  23. systemctl enable agsnotebook.service
  24. systemctl stop agsnotebook.service
  25. systemctl start agsnotebook.service
  26. systemctl status agsnotebook.service
  27. Open port 11443 of the EC2 instance that runs Notebook Server.
  28. Create load balancer with certificate, forward 443 traffic to the EC2 target with port11443 and add it to Route 53 DNS (e.g.,
  29. Federate with the portal.
    1. Use load balancer DNS name for service URL: (load balancer name for arcgis server)
    2. Use server name for admin URL: (load balancer name for arcgis server)
    3. Select Notebook server from drop down menu. The new entry (load balancer name for arcgis server) will appear.
    4. Press Save.
  30. Test server by creating a new notebook from portal.

Note: Docker uses the /var directory as its local registry for container images. During the upgrade process for subsequent releases, new images will be copied to the /var directory as well. To avoid running out of disk space during future upgrades, ensure that the /var directory has at least 50 GB of disk space.


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